Saturday, November 6, 2010


Mom's Time Out...a wonderful ministry to the ladies in our church with kids under the age of 10.

It's a break from every day. No kids allowed for about 2 hours. They feed us breakfast. And I'm not talking cereal on the quick as you head to the kitchen or out the door. Biscuits and sausage gravy, scrambled eggs with sausage and potatoes, breads, coffee...yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, deliciouso! (yes, that was a Dora reference in my "no kids allowed" post).

We have a talented lady come in each month and show us how to do or make something. This morning my dear friend and her daughter came to show us how to make those neat, decorative, lighted glass blocks. Plus they had some fabulous tips for giving gifts this holiday season. Remembering to make lists and suggest lists from always sounds so logical, but I often wonder if I sound greedy if I hand people a list. And I often don't receive any lists back either. This year, I have already begun a list and will attempt to have it completed and sent out before everyone is done with their Christmas shopping.

We then are challenged, as mothers, through God's Word. I have found myself having a desire to change a few areas in my life as of late. One of them is the words I speak to others. And as He is prone to do, communication was our topic this morning. Just as a fire, when it is controlled and contained, can be a blessing and a help, so can our words be a blessing and help to others if they are controlled and contained. When we allow our words to go uncontrolled, they will cause irreparable damage in a short amount of time just like that flame of fire. We also discussed some of things people have been heard to say out of bitterness or jealousy or anger. Some things are said because of fear. But all of our words come from the "abundance of our heart." What are my words displaying? I also realized that in situations when I feel my words are foolish and I'd love to take them back as soon as they escape my lips, it is because I have not bathed that conversation in prayer. When I speak to a grieving person, or a hurting friend, instead of talking off the cuff, I should be prayerfully considering my words before I speak them. The more compassion and love and prayer I show toward that person, the easier the words of comfort will flow forth. I envy those around me that have a gift of encouragement. How often they have encouraged me through kind words? And I am reminded, their words of kindness come from a genuinely compassionate heart that has been praying for me. If I desire to speak wisely, I must first have a compassionate heart.

I love our church. I love Mom's Time Out. I love my Lord and all He is teaching me...

1 comment:

tacky said...

I love that idea! A yummy breakfast that you didn't have to cook...what a treat! Then I finished reading your post, I am going to sit "in time out" and consider some of my words. Thank you for sharing! Love ya!