Friday, October 29, 2010

His protection...

Tonight I had one of the scariest moments as a mother I could have ever imagined. For a moment my whole world stopped. Nora was gone. In a store. For several minutes. I had naively assumed she was right behind me as I sat with my back to the doorway. "Calla, where is Nora?" No one had seen her exit the room. As panic set in, my heart shut down. The room was spinning and I was praying.

Lord, protect my little one.

Please keep her safe.

Let her be around the next rack of clothes.

Those 90 seconds will forever be burned into my memory. Her little laughter as she realized we were looking for her. Calling her. How thankful I am that she responded to our calls. There are so many lessons I learned from those 5 minutes this evening. So many. But after the emotional storm raged and settled, I rested on thankfulness to a God who loves my little one more than I do. A God who protects His sheep. I am truly thankful...

my prerogative...

A stay-at-home mom can not call in sick to work. She can, however, have the situation that all of her kiddos are sick at the same time she is. Yep. That's our house today. Nora Kate claimed the cold first. By today, Amelia and I were stuffy nosed right along with her. So, even though I can't call in a sick day, I can lounge around in the warm house. Early naptime. Light lunch. Maybe some yummy pumpkin bread baking in the oven just to make the house smell delish. I'm a stay-at-home mom. I can do with my sick day whatever I please. Well, at least whatever the sick-but-don't-act-sick daughters allow me to do...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A year has come and gone. It is always enlightening to gauge a full year when you celebrate another child's birthday. I enjoyed the hooplah. I enjoyed the guests, thoroughly. And now, on the eve of the true birth-day, I contemplate what I have done with the last year. Nora is on the verge of walking when last year I had not even held her in my arms. Calla and Amelia are learning by leaps and bounds. Bible verses. Spelling lists. Everyday life lessons. A year! God has blessed in so many ways. I have failed in so many more. A full year of our lives is over. But as I look backward and think of all the things that have come and gone, I only look for a moment. For tomorrow, I have a new year to begin. What will it hold? It will undoubtedly speed by even faster than the years before it. So am I going to use it wisely? Starting tomorrow. Yes...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a pain...

So, I have a pain. In my side. A real one, not the beginning of a pun or funny joke-joke. It's hung around for over a day now, so I called in dial-a nurse for advice. All she did was give me an anxiety attack. "My advice to you is to hang up with me and dial 9-1-1 and head to the emergency room. Ma'am, is this what you plan to do?" Umm. No. I'll wait for my husband and then head to the urgent care building down the street.
Bloodwork. A thorough question and answer session. Nothing deeming an emergency appendectomy or anything else super scary. So I get to take some strong pain meds and rest until my family doc can see me tomorrow. Maybe the pain will go away. Maybe I'm just being a wimp. Maybe I'll just take advantage of some seriously peaceful sleep that I feel coming on...

Monday, October 11, 2010

a season of change...

Sometimes I have to take a step away from my emotions and realize that God has a purpose. My emotions, as well as Satan, want me to get all wrapped up in sadness or confusion or depression. But change is a part of life.

I have two very close friends. The "kindred spirit" type of friends. We share the same stage of life. We share similar personalities. We share the same morals and spiritual standards. Through these similarities, we have also shared countless late nights laughing, mornings chatting, and evenings crying our burdens to each other. The best of friends. God saw fit to move one of my dear friends away to another ministry. I cried. And I still cry when I miss her. Distance cannot change the fact that we will always be friends, but it does change the level of friendship. Gone are the days of stopping in unannounced or a trip to Target just to get away.

I was told last week that my other friend is moving, too. Her hubby has been offered a job that will allow them to fulfill several desires for their lives.

I am excited for them, but sad for myself. I can have full confidence that God will help her flourish. They are just where God wants them to be. And then I get sad or angry or confused. And I could stay in that emotion. It's easiest to allow my emotions to run wild. I am, after all, a woman. But I am also a child of God. I have a joy unspeakable...full of glory. I should be able to have a peace in the midst of life's storms. And I do. I know I am in the exact place God would have me to be. He has a purpose for me right here. I have always been the one who moves. It is exciting to see somewhere new. To meet new people. To see where God is leading. I have never been the one who stays. It is different, but God is still leading. He is still in control. We sang this song last night in service.

My life I give to you, O Lord, use me I pray.
May I glorify your precious name
In all I do and say.
Let me trust you in the valley dark
As well as in the light.
Knowing you will always lead me,
Your will is always right.
I know God makes no mistakes.
He leads in every path I take.
Along the way that's leading me to home
Though at times my heart would break,
There's a purpose to every change He makes.
So that others may see my life and know
That God makes no mistakes.
And when someday in heaven above,
I see His dear face.
May I then be counted faithful
as a runner in this race.
Now I'm trusting in the Savior
To show me the way.
In His righteousness He guides me,
As I seek to please Him day by day.
I know God makes no mistakes.
He leads in every path I take.
Along the way that's leading me to home.
Though at times my heart would break,
There's a purpose in every change He makes.
So that others may see my life and know
That God makes no mistakes.
So I will still be sad. I will still miss my friends. But I will glory in a God who loves me and knows the path that lies ahead of me.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

the craft sale numero uno...

We had a great turn out, some amazing compliments, and a profit. Not to mention, my dear friend and I were able to sit and chat and laugh. We have already put our fee in for sitting the sale again next year. Although, I do want to let my nerves settle a bit and let my burned knuckles heal before I make too many more bows in the near future...

a first for me...

I have always loved craft sales. I am one of those people that will pass up an item with the oh-so-misleading thought of making it myself. "I could totally make that for less than $12." I have often thought that I would enjoy sitting a booth at a craft fair. But what would I sell? Well, today's the day. My dear friend and I will sit a local craft sale from 9-3 selling allie&nora exciting! Pictures to follow...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a new love...

The bumbo seat...a glorified duct tape! I love it.
Purchased at a garage sale for $5.
Why didn't they think of this before I had my first child?

Monday, October 4, 2010

little farmer on a blustery day...

We ended up at the Little Farmer Apple Orchard on Saturday afternoon. Nora had tears on her cheeks from the wind, but it was a beautiful day once the sun decided to make an appearance. We walked away from the orchard with some blocks of caramel and an afternoon of great memories for the 2010 fall season.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

a lazy Saturday?...

There is no such thing as a lazy Saturday during soccer season. On this brisk morning, the hubby was up early to fertilize the lawn. I had the task of awaking the slumbering soccer star. Ever notice that the years you want your kids to sleep, they want to wake early in the morning even though they were awake all through the night. Then the time comes when they need to be awake at specific times to get ready for school, or church, or soccer, and they seem to be super-glued to their beds. After getting her unglued, fed, and warmly bundled into her uniform, Calla and Daddy were off. I am so thankful I get to stay cozy and warm in the house today. 41 degrees...really? Once they are home we will decide what to do with the rest of our free day. We should probably clean up the homestead for our impending lunch with the college extension group tomorrow afternoon, but maybe we will find something else. Little Farmer is a possibility...they're college kids after all. How clean does the house need to be...

Friday, October 1, 2010

a perfect day...

I sometimes long for the perfect day. One that allows me to sleep in as long as I want to and still wake up early to exercise and do my devotions. One that has my kids quiet enough to let me think and talking my ear off about their day. One that is filled with treats baking in the oven and no temptations to deter my weight loss goals. A day filled with laundry rumbling through the machine and happy kids getting their clothes dirty in the gorgeous fall weather. A perfect day with clean floors for that unexpected company to see and kids toys strewn about in imaginary play. A day away from the computer and a long online chat with that friend from far away. A day with my crazy girls. My wonderful hubby. A day that I feel God has been pleased with as I lay my head on the pillow. Maybe today will be a perfect day after all...

try, try again...

So often, I think, "I should write on my blog about that..." and gets in the way. I have much to say. So much I want to chronicle in this hectic, crazy life I have been blessed with. So I will try, again, to take the time to write it down. Here it goes...