Monday, October 11, 2010

a season of change...

Sometimes I have to take a step away from my emotions and realize that God has a purpose. My emotions, as well as Satan, want me to get all wrapped up in sadness or confusion or depression. But change is a part of life.

I have two very close friends. The "kindred spirit" type of friends. We share the same stage of life. We share similar personalities. We share the same morals and spiritual standards. Through these similarities, we have also shared countless late nights laughing, mornings chatting, and evenings crying our burdens to each other. The best of friends. God saw fit to move one of my dear friends away to another ministry. I cried. And I still cry when I miss her. Distance cannot change the fact that we will always be friends, but it does change the level of friendship. Gone are the days of stopping in unannounced or a trip to Target just to get away.

I was told last week that my other friend is moving, too. Her hubby has been offered a job that will allow them to fulfill several desires for their lives.

I am excited for them, but sad for myself. I can have full confidence that God will help her flourish. They are just where God wants them to be. And then I get sad or angry or confused. And I could stay in that emotion. It's easiest to allow my emotions to run wild. I am, after all, a woman. But I am also a child of God. I have a joy unspeakable...full of glory. I should be able to have a peace in the midst of life's storms. And I do. I know I am in the exact place God would have me to be. He has a purpose for me right here. I have always been the one who moves. It is exciting to see somewhere new. To meet new people. To see where God is leading. I have never been the one who stays. It is different, but God is still leading. He is still in control. We sang this song last night in service.

My life I give to you, O Lord, use me I pray.
May I glorify your precious name
In all I do and say.
Let me trust you in the valley dark
As well as in the light.
Knowing you will always lead me,
Your will is always right.
I know God makes no mistakes.
He leads in every path I take.
Along the way that's leading me to home
Though at times my heart would break,
There's a purpose to every change He makes.
So that others may see my life and know
That God makes no mistakes.
And when someday in heaven above,
I see His dear face.
May I then be counted faithful
as a runner in this race.
Now I'm trusting in the Savior
To show me the way.
In His righteousness He guides me,
As I seek to please Him day by day.
I know God makes no mistakes.
He leads in every path I take.
Along the way that's leading me to home.
Though at times my heart would break,
There's a purpose in every change He makes.
So that others may see my life and know
That God makes no mistakes.
So I will still be sad. I will still miss my friends. But I will glory in a God who loves me and knows the path that lies ahead of me.


tacky said...

I know exactly what you are saying, dear friend! And here I sit in tears now because I never got to take the trip I was promised to come see you. Here it is three and a half months later and I have not a glimmer of hope...I may just have to run away.
I know there are reasons in each plan...but sometimes I just don't want the reasons...I just want the plan! There I said it...out loud...and it sounds terrible! That battle with self is never ending. I am glad for songs and verses to help me get my focus back. God knows best...and I know that...and His timing will be just right!
So, I will sniff with you and pray for you...God always fills those "voids" with more opportunities to reach out to new friends.
Hugs to you, Kari

Redhead Mama said...

Ever since Christin told me about the latest shock, I have been praying for you! I think of the old girl scout song, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." And for what it is worth, I know that both your dear friends will (and do) feel the loss too!