Monday, January 17, 2011

17 days into the new year...

I always have such lofty ideas of what a new year can bring. It seems wide open for possibilities. The hustle and bustle of the holiday months have finally passed and January seems awesomely... still. Open schedules. Time that is not already claimed for this or that. So I start concocting all of these grandiose plans of how we can begin this new chapter in our lives. And then I realize, 17 days later, that I just wanted to rest. Needed to rest. Why fill up our days right away. January is for lazy winter days filled with netflix movies and reorganizing neglected spaces and mountains of laundry from all of the layers we are wearing these days. So now as I awaken from my January hibernation, I have a few plans in the works. Amelia's Winter Wonderland birthday is right around the corner. Ladies Meeting plans must be laid for April. Another birthday party sneaks up on me the first week of April. And...And...there is a big surprise trip in the makings for spring. I am also contemplating taking over the Secret Pal program at the church. That means a reveal to plan for March. January nap time is over! Time to kick it into gear...

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