Thursday, December 30, 2010

"a peanut butter christmas"

Because our service was cancelled for the week of our adult cantata, we put it on the following week instead. We were without our 12 college extension students, but I felt it was completed very well. It seemed we were all in the right key anyway...Best of all, the message of the gospel was clearly presented and people were blessed. So, the "Merry Christma" ties are put away and stored until next year's cantata. ( yes, it is spelled incorrectly...that' s how we got the ties at such a clearance price...)

For several years we have had a simple children's Christmas program at our church. The kiddos sing a few songs and we are done. Last year, after not being able to have a Christmas program at all, we had two wonderful ladies volunteer to take on the program for 2010. The effort was extremely evident. The songs and readings were practiced for months so that even our 3 Veldman 4-year olds knew the songs by heart.
The reader's theater was "A Peanut Butter Christmas." Calla had a part and did a tremendous job. She had to be a little sassy and had no problem stretching her acting skills in that direction. :) It was a busy couple weeks preparing for the two programs, but the outcome was tremendous. We will probably have enough energy to start it all over again 9 months from now...

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