Friday, February 18, 2011

a reminder...

I listened to the radio during my morning commute, and tears ran down my face. A song that brought me comfort during a trying time was blaring through the speakers.

I was reminded...

God is faithful.

Then the announcer came on to give an analogy. "...One blood donor can save up to three lives with a single pint of blood...but a single drop of the blood of Christ can save a world..."

I was reminded...

God is love.


tacky said...

Love ya, friend! Just wanted you to know I stopped to pray for you after reading your post. When we get is easy to lose hold of those stabilizing truths. Thank the Lord for words and music to stop us in our tracks and help us an instant!
I have enjoyed your daily "loves"! Thank you for such a Godly perspective on things we take for granted most days!

Anonymous said...

Alicia--- when I read your blogs I am reminded that I am not alone in the day to day craziness of my life... and I did the exact same thing the other day on my way to school... my little ones were very concerned and I just kept saying, "mommy is happy that God loves me"---they didn't really get it, but who cares... I want them to know at an early age that sometimes God speaks to you and you just cry and that's okay... love ya girl!
