Sunday, December 21, 2008

Have you ever?

Have you ever tried to put a red crayon through the dryer with your laundry load of lights only to find large red splotches all over your clothes? We did today. Not on purpose, of course, but we did nonetheless. It also created an artwork of color in our dryer barrel. Like looking into a kaleidoscope.
Lots of goo gone. Oxyclean. Soaking and soaking and soaking. Most of our clothes are salvageable. We were thankful that this load was almost all pajamas or socks. Crayon is much worse than chapstick. Burts Bees or cherry!


tacky said...

Thank you for this well-learned tip! I have had a permanent black Sharpie go through the washer...but caught it before the dryer. You would think I would learn that lesson...check the husband's pockets...but I never do. I will probably learn that lesson the hard way! sigh

Jennifer said...

Happened to me with a black crayon before....Borax laundry Booster is AMAZING! :)

Anonymous said...

I have had permant marker and highlighter. Talk about a heart attack. I hope you can get it off. Mine just wore off... if you can call it that.

Jennifer said...

Hey Alicia!
You don't have to post this, but I thought it was a good way to talk to you.
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. It makes me feel so much better to know that there are moms out there that feel my pain. I really appreciate your prayers. I am so pleased with the healing that she has had. I only pray that it continues.
I love the pictures of your girls. They are just gorgeous!