Saturday, August 27, 2011


The first day of school met me with mixed emotions.

I was so ready for school to start at least a month ago. Summer schedules are a blessing and yet a curse. Lazy mornings that gently flow into casual lunches and lots of playtime. But it's a fickle playmate, that summertime. One of those things you enjoy so often that you become almost, dare I say, bored with it.

"Only boring people get bored."

For this reason, I began to look forward to the schedule and challenges a school day brings.

But my Amelia was going to school this year. That, in itself, brought several emotions with it.

Excitement. A whole new world to experience.
Anxiety. Would she adjust well to a new environment of stresses?
Pure glee. I would be home for three full days a week with just my angel of a baby.

So, dad and I dropped them off for their first day. Treats in hand. Pictures taken. And then I said my goodbyes and good lucks. When I began to speak the words, "I'll be praying for you today," into Amelia's ear, I was a goner. I would be praying. And, more than I realized, I would be missing my girls...

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