Tuesday, December 25, 2007


As I prayed for bedtime with Calla and Amelia last night, I asked God to help us remember the reason we open gifts and have a celebration at all. I prayed we would "remember" Jesus and His gift to us.
When I kissed Calla goodnight, she said she already knew that Jesus was born. She already knew that he was sent to die for our sins. Why did I pray that we would remember? I tried to tell her that sometimes we forget on Christmas morning that Jesus is the reason for Christmas. There is so much going on. SHe told me, in her childlike innocence, that she "never forgets Jesus!"
Oh! that this would be true in all of us and in her life in years to come.
Merry Christmas to my blog friends. May God be glorified in our hustle and in our quiet moments. Praise Him for our most precious gift. His Son sent to die that we might be saved.

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