Saturday, September 1, 2007

The County Fair...

Always the same. Year after year. But we love it! Cory has gone to the fair his whole life. We have been going together since we were dating. Now we take our kids. Calla has been to the fair for all five of the summers she has been alive. We've taken a picture of her in a tractor tire every year. It has been fun to watch her slowly stop fitting all the way inside. Amelia's picture was a challenge this year. She loved climbing in and out of the tire, but wouldn't pause long enough for a picture. The wonders of the fair are so awesome through their eyes. They LOVED the animals. A very overly kind lady scooped up Amelia and took Calla's hand and lead them into the calf stall for "better" pictures! They did turn out better. The cows were Amelia's favorite. The same lady popped up in the pig barn and shuffled the girls right into her pig stall! Oh yippee! We had a thorough hand washing after that encounter. She was impressed with the girls "not being freaked out at any animals." She obviously didn't catch my look of fear when the gate to the swine opened! Last year we went all five days on and off. We decided one full day of excitement was enough for this year. There are a few "have to's". The animals. The tents. A 4-H mint shake for Cory. The ferris wheel for Calla. Granpa Cratchet. We added in a variety show and some kiddie rides and we were all spent. Now we just have to wait for next year and do it all over again!

1 comment:

tacky said...

Hi to you! I hear you are off to a grand weekend! I hope you have loads of I'll just fiddle around with the laundry and such! Actually, Ted sprang the lake thing on me again...groan...more mess to make to get packed...better get crackin on the laundry! Give us some more pics of your cuties! and of course, their escapades! K