Monday, August 24, 2009
My first grader...
That's what we associate with the parades. We have found a local parade that supplies us with enough candy to last months. This year, all the cousins, plus an extra, came to the parade. The kids all lined the curb and waited. They were not disappointed. Amelia soon learned that if she wanted any candy, she would have to stand several feet away from the boys. They are quick little candy picker-uppers! Each bag was brimming with goodies by parade's end.
This last picture is Amelia animating her favorite part of the band - the drummers.
Friday, August 21, 2009
A new season...
Calla is heading off to the first grade on Monday. It is truly time for summer to end, but daunting to think of the upcoming school year. I didn't realize the emotion I had been supressing until this week. For the next 12 years, Calla will be a full-time student. Every day. It's the "every day" part I am struggling with. To drop her off to spend the majority of the year under the authority of someone else. Under the care of someone else. To have her come home to "tell me about her day." It's a whole new season of life, as my dad would call it. I do not regret the decision to have her in school. I certainly count it a priveledge to have the means and the facility to send her to. But it is hard to see the last season come to a close. Did I use the time I had, day in and day out, as a major influence in her days, did I use it wisely? Was I effective?
As this new season comes into bloom, I must realize the influence I still have. I am still her mom. I am still in her life every day. I cherish my daughter. I want her to know it, too. Maybe I'll snuggle with her a little longer tonight...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ladies Retreat 2009...
This is the group of 21 ladies, plus our hostess, that attended our first Ladies Retreat in Door County. (I am not in my picture due to a lack of understanding my camera's self-timer.) We had a fabulous time of fellowship and growth. Each session was devoted to a different aspect of knowing God. I was challenged abundantly.
Stacey and I, large and in charge! I did have the first person ask me, "Do you know if it's twins?"
This is the goat and grass roof of the restaurrant we ate at on Friday. I feel like a tourist - oh wait - I am a tourist!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Swim lessons...
This summer was full of swimming lessons for Calla. The way our pool is set up, they have to pass each two week session before moving to the next level.
Level 1 - Learn to not be afraid to dunk your head under water. Check - no problem.
Open your eyes under water to retrieve rings from the bottom of the 2 foot water. Check.
Jump off the side into 2 feet deep waters. Check.
She obviously passed this session with ease.
Level 2 - Learn to dunk under the water for 10-15 seconds. Check. (She loves being under water.)
Learn to do basic front or back floats for 5 seconds each. Check.
Learn basic underwater strokes. Check. (She could swim the length of the pool, coming up for breaths, by the end of the session.)
Using a pool noodle, dive off the diving board into 12 feet. Check. (She even threw her noodle in the second time around and jumped in after it.)
This session was a little more challenging. She was the smallest and youngest in her class. Several students were leaping into the pool and swimming around on the first day. But she did pass. So we went on to Level 3.

Level 3 - Learn basic strokes above water. Still working on it.
Learn to do several "dives" of the side of the pool. Still working on it.
Learn endurance while swimming dofferent strokes. Still working on it.
Dive into the 12 feet without a pool noodle and swim to the side without assistance. Check. (Even though this mom held her breath until Calla resurfaced the first time. Whew!)
So we will repeat some things next year. Our goal was to get her comfortable in the water. Next we'll work on the swimming. She is well on her way.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Summer's here...
I am a stay-at-home mom. By choice. By blessing. By design. And yet in the last year I have become a stay-at-home mom with a child in school. Man, oh, man is that a change in job description. I remember calling my mom sometime in late September and rambling on and on when asked, "So what are you up to these days?" She wisely told me that my season of motherhood had hit a new milestone. School. It changes everything. Schedules. Grocery lists. Responsibilities. Freedom to do as I wish on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.
But now it is summer. The season I once loathed. But summer brings me back to a flexibilty of kids' time. Play all you want. Get dirty. Let's do a craft. Read a book. Go to the park. Go to a friend's house. Get extremely tired out and go to bed happy. We get to do it all again tomorrow. No schedules...
Monday, April 13, 2009
A late night catch up...
Easter is always a fun time. There are so many different aspects of the season. A few years ago, time had to be spent determining how we wanted our children to spend their Easter each year. Dying eggs. The Resurrection of our Saviour. Baskets full of candy. Special church services. The Easter Bunny. Family dinners. The list is long! And very diverse. So how did we intend to make The true meaning of the holiday more apparent to our children? We decided that Sunday would be dedicated to celebrating the reason for our hope, Christ's Resurrection. Nothing else should detract from this celebration. We do have dinner with family as well.
All of other celebrations happen on other days. This year we did baskets on Saturday. Calla got an Etch-a-sketch and a Beatrix Potter DVD. Amelia got a Mrs. Potato Head - Easter bunny edition. Lots of candy and gum, too.
We attempted to go to the town's annual egg hunt on Saturday morning, but my brain unfortunately registered the time an hour too late. We arrived as the last few remaining egg-gatherers were leaving with their baskets chocked full of eggs. Maybe next year.
We had Mom and Dad over for Sunday dinner. I made a full ham dinner. Somewhat successful. My mother-in-law had a great idea about publishing a cookbook geared toward how to have a successful Sunday meal at lunchtime when you are at church until after noon. I'd buy one.
Today was a fun-filled day. Tomorrow brings an all-day field trip with Calla's school. And Wednesday has some excitement as well. This should prove to be an eventful week.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I think I've set a record...
Has it really been 5 weeks since I last wrote? I almost can't believe that much time has passed. I faithfully read several blogs. Some are updated daily if not more. Some linger on the same entry for weeks. And it frustrates me as the reader. Ok. Not frustrates, like I get aggravated and want to throw or break things, but I want to read more about them. Has nothing new and interesting happened lately? And then I realize I am chiding myself! Lots has happened. Here it is - in a few nutshells...

On March 6th, we had our first ultrasound appointment to check to see if our newest baby was thriving. It was an emotional viewing. The little heart was beating away. It gave us complete confidence that this pregnancy would be uneventful. We are truly thankful. My due date is October 24th. I will be fortunate to go in October at all, if history repeats itself.
About two weeks ago, the baby sickies hit me hard. Just in time for company and a huge production of a birthday party. I am so thankful for a mom that is willing to come in and take over any project. I am still in the middle of the nausea, but am trying to remain grateful for it's cause.
My mom came to town two weeks ago. My sister and her husband and my other sister and her daughter joined us the Thursday before the party. Everyone was so willing to help out. But I was encouraged to do something on a smaller scale next year. We'll see.
The birthday party was chaos at best. 10 little girls in tutus and fairy wings. Trying to eat supper on the floor. Trying to color pictures to gain their fairy dust. Trying to ring the flowers to earn their crown. Trying to all be in the front row to see the mass chaos of opening gifts. Then all the adults came. 34 people in our living room. Yowza! But the girls loved it. Well, save Amelia. She characterized the phrase, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..."
Cory was sick with the same flu that hit everyone in our house. He got sick before mom came and was sick through most everyone leaving town. Not much of a host. But we kept it low key. I do think I could drive the route to the airport and back in my sleep. But that would be dangerous...
Mom left today. I will truly miss her here. She has an uncanny way of being around just when I need her. She was so helpful for the two weeks she stayed. My washer and dryer and dishwasher haven't ever seen that much use. She was dubbed the "laundry nazi." No clothing left laying out was left unclean. It is so appreciated, all joking aside. My mom is also one of the people who feeds me encouragement. She is honest. But she always leaves me edified. She loves me despite my faults. It is a blessing.
I have a few more things, but they deserve their own posts. We'll see how long it takes to get them posted...

On March 6th, we had our first ultrasound appointment to check to see if our newest baby was thriving. It was an emotional viewing. The little heart was beating away. It gave us complete confidence that this pregnancy would be uneventful. We are truly thankful. My due date is October 24th. I will be fortunate to go in October at all, if history repeats itself.
About two weeks ago, the baby sickies hit me hard. Just in time for company and a huge production of a birthday party. I am so thankful for a mom that is willing to come in and take over any project. I am still in the middle of the nausea, but am trying to remain grateful for it's cause.
My mom came to town two weeks ago. My sister and her husband and my other sister and her daughter joined us the Thursday before the party. Everyone was so willing to help out. But I was encouraged to do something on a smaller scale next year. We'll see.
The birthday party was chaos at best. 10 little girls in tutus and fairy wings. Trying to eat supper on the floor. Trying to color pictures to gain their fairy dust. Trying to ring the flowers to earn their crown. Trying to all be in the front row to see the mass chaos of opening gifts. Then all the adults came. 34 people in our living room. Yowza! But the girls loved it. Well, save Amelia. She characterized the phrase, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..."
Cory was sick with the same flu that hit everyone in our house. He got sick before mom came and was sick through most everyone leaving town. Not much of a host. But we kept it low key. I do think I could drive the route to the airport and back in my sleep. But that would be dangerous...
Mom left today. I will truly miss her here. She has an uncanny way of being around just when I need her. She was so helpful for the two weeks she stayed. My washer and dryer and dishwasher haven't ever seen that much use. She was dubbed the "laundry nazi." No clothing left laying out was left unclean. It is so appreciated, all joking aside. My mom is also one of the people who feeds me encouragement. She is honest. But she always leaves me edified. She loves me despite my faults. It is a blessing.
I have a few more things, but they deserve their own posts. We'll see how long it takes to get them posted...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Random, but not so much Tuesday...
Yep it's Thursday.
Yep it's been weeks since my last post. Again.
Here's my randomness at it's best.

Amelia has croup. She began losing her voice yesterday. She woke up this morning barking like a seal. She is barely audible through her raspy-ness. (Apparently raspy-ness is not a word.) I think croup is a burden she will have to bear every year. I just pray this one does not move into the bronchitis/pneumonia stage.
I am subbing at the school for a week. Only in the afternoons. One of the teachers takes a trip to Florida with her fam every year about this time. It gives her a break and it allows me a little income. Always appreciated! The work is easy enough. And I do enjoy being with the students. The way our school is designed this year, 4th - 12th grades are in the same room. All video classes through ABeka. So my work entails monitoring, grading, administering tests and quizzes, and Thursday gym class. I could do without the gym class part, but the kids were so looking forward to it already yesterday.
The countdown has begun. The girls' birthday invitations have been sent and passed around. Airline flights have been purchased. Extended stays are being planned. This mom is putting off making 7, yes 7, more tutus. I love children's birthday parties. I tend to go over the top. But it's once a year. A celebration of the wonderful gifts God has given to me. I believe that calls for the grandest of celebrations! Wings. Check. Fairy dust. Check. Three out of ten tutus. Kind of a check?? Calling all fairies of the forest - only 5 more weeks.
My wonderful hubby spent some of our tax return on two large items this year.
A water softener. Woohoo! Now my alligator skin might get some relief. And my poor Amelia might have a smaller grade of sandpaper skin. If nothing else, our dishwasher will not leave such atrocious soap residue on all of our dishes.
We also bought a chest freezer. We have been storing extra food in my in-law's upright freezer. I was starting to overrun the shelves. I buy ahead in several items when they go on sale. Butter. Cheese. Pizza. Juice. O.J. And I have been buying fresh beef from my sister-in-law. Needless to say, the freezer is already brimming with frozen delights. I am thankful for this added appliance in our house.
Tomorrow would be my dad's 52nd birthday. I miss him dearly. "Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27:1 We are not guaranteed a certain length of life. Only that we have this day and this moment. Dad's "early" death reminds me of this fact. What am doing with my time? Am I fulfilling the plan God has for this day? What happens if there is no tomorrow for me? Would I be content to lay my head on my pillow tonight, knowing I have been a "faithful servant?"
Random. Told you so. There will be more. Much more. Coming to another blog entry near you!
Yep it's been weeks since my last post. Again.
Here's my randomness at it's best.
Amelia has croup. She began losing her voice yesterday. She woke up this morning barking like a seal. She is barely audible through her raspy-ness. (Apparently raspy-ness is not a word.) I think croup is a burden she will have to bear every year. I just pray this one does not move into the bronchitis/pneumonia stage.
I am subbing at the school for a week. Only in the afternoons. One of the teachers takes a trip to Florida with her fam every year about this time. It gives her a break and it allows me a little income. Always appreciated! The work is easy enough. And I do enjoy being with the students. The way our school is designed this year, 4th - 12th grades are in the same room. All video classes through ABeka. So my work entails monitoring, grading, administering tests and quizzes, and Thursday gym class. I could do without the gym class part, but the kids were so looking forward to it already yesterday.
The countdown has begun. The girls' birthday invitations have been sent and passed around. Airline flights have been purchased. Extended stays are being planned. This mom is putting off making 7, yes 7, more tutus. I love children's birthday parties. I tend to go over the top. But it's once a year. A celebration of the wonderful gifts God has given to me. I believe that calls for the grandest of celebrations! Wings. Check. Fairy dust. Check. Three out of ten tutus. Kind of a check?? Calling all fairies of the forest - only 5 more weeks.
My wonderful hubby spent some of our tax return on two large items this year.
A water softener. Woohoo! Now my alligator skin might get some relief. And my poor Amelia might have a smaller grade of sandpaper skin. If nothing else, our dishwasher will not leave such atrocious soap residue on all of our dishes.
We also bought a chest freezer. We have been storing extra food in my in-law's upright freezer. I was starting to overrun the shelves. I buy ahead in several items when they go on sale. Butter. Cheese. Pizza. Juice. O.J. And I have been buying fresh beef from my sister-in-law. Needless to say, the freezer is already brimming with frozen delights. I am thankful for this added appliance in our house.
Tomorrow would be my dad's 52nd birthday. I miss him dearly. "Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27:1 We are not guaranteed a certain length of life. Only that we have this day and this moment. Dad's "early" death reminds me of this fact. What am doing with my time? Am I fulfilling the plan God has for this day? What happens if there is no tomorrow for me? Would I be content to lay my head on my pillow tonight, knowing I have been a "faithful servant?"
Random. Told you so. There will be more. Much more. Coming to another blog entry near you!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thanks for the laughs...
Tonight was our Teen "after" Christmas party. The original date had such frigid temperatures that we ended up canceling.
Pizza. Soda. Catch Phrase. Telephone. Laughing. White Elephant. Laughing. Devotional. Pictures. LOTS of giggling.
All the while the three adult ladies sat chatting in another room.
During part of our conversations, we read a book of funny quotes. These were two of my favorites.
"My wild oats have turned into prunes and All-bran."
"I would be unstoppable, if only I could get started."
We did pause to watch the commotion involving the White Elephant exchange. The teens can be so creative in their gift choices. A mini chia pet-like head that grows "hair." Candy checkers. A Best Buy gift card worth 12 cents! A silver white elephant pin. Fun stuff.
I think the most enjoyable part of the night was Amelia playing with one of the gerbils. Amelia has a healthy fear of all animals. Especially if they move faster than she does. "Crusoe" was put into the exercise ball and left to roll around. Amelia would squeal for "Wrestle", as she interpreted his name, to move and as soon as he would roll she would start into a shrill, nervous laughter. She slapped the ball once when it came too close to her. She picked it up and gently tossed it away from her. I did tell her she shouldn't do those things or the poor gerbil would be hurt. So the next nervous laugh was followed by "Can you get him away for me, please?" She was a lot less anxious once the little guy was safe on the other side of his plastic cage. I think "Crusoe was a little more relaxed as well.
Pizza. Soda. Catch Phrase. Telephone. Laughing. White Elephant. Laughing. Devotional. Pictures. LOTS of giggling.
All the while the three adult ladies sat chatting in another room.
During part of our conversations, we read a book of funny quotes. These were two of my favorites.
"My wild oats have turned into prunes and All-bran."
"I would be unstoppable, if only I could get started."
We did pause to watch the commotion involving the White Elephant exchange. The teens can be so creative in their gift choices. A mini chia pet-like head that grows "hair." Candy checkers. A Best Buy gift card worth 12 cents! A silver white elephant pin. Fun stuff.
I think the most enjoyable part of the night was Amelia playing with one of the gerbils. Amelia has a healthy fear of all animals. Especially if they move faster than she does. "Crusoe" was put into the exercise ball and left to roll around. Amelia would squeal for "Wrestle", as she interpreted his name, to move and as soon as he would roll she would start into a shrill, nervous laughter. She slapped the ball once when it came too close to her. She picked it up and gently tossed it away from her. I did tell her she shouldn't do those things or the poor gerbil would be hurt. So the next nervous laugh was followed by "Can you get him away for me, please?" She was a lot less anxious once the little guy was safe on the other side of his plastic cage. I think "Crusoe was a little more relaxed as well.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Oh, what the sickies will do...
For today's Random Tuesday, I really had to think. Did anything happen this past week?
Wednesday night found yours truly on nursery duty at church. With one, single (meaning only one, not unmarried), very well-behaved infant. And my lovely sister-in-law who had taken my place until I decided to show up. We got to talking and talking until service was actually over. Ok. One baby probably doesn't need two adults to watch over him, but we had a great time chatting uninterrupted. I promise I'll go to class next week.
Amelia woke up sick on Friday morning. The sickies kind of sick. Fortunately for this mom it was during the bleary-eyed part of the morning, so it was easier to take care of her. She is a trooper. She just refuses to eat until that nasty stomach feeling goes away. Then she perks back up to her normal crazy self. She was better by Sunday church. Unfortunately, I was not.
"Yeah, my mom is sick. I'm not sick. That's why I came to church. Well, Amelia is sick, but we brought her to church anyway." Cory came home from morning service to inform me that Calla had this conversation with several people at church. Thank you my little rumor mill churner. "Mommy and Daddy would not have sent Amelia to church if she were still sick." All I received in response was a blank stare. Or did that face mean "Yeah sure, Mom."?
Cory spent Saturday staining our brand new, expertly designed closet shelves. They are the fanciest closet shelves ever. Beautiful. If only the stain didn't force us to open the windows in 10 degree weather. Or attempt to put us in a coma while we slept. As we are getting ready for sleep and commenting on the overly powerful smell, I am told, "The can did say to use it in a well-ventilated area." Staining a large area in the winter. Not recommended.

The tooth fairy made another visit to our house. Calla mustered enough courage to pull this dangly tooth out. As she was writing her letter to the tooth fairy, she let me know that Dad told her the water changes color because of food coloring, not the tooth fairy's wings. Thanks a lot Mr. Spoiler. Fortunately for me, she still has a vivid imagination and wanted to write to the Tooth Fairy anyway. She was so excited to see the teeny, tiny note that was left for her the next morning. "She wrote me back! And the money is all sparkly!" Yep. That wasn't the Tooth Fairy. But I will be sure to clean that cup thoroughly.
Wednesday night found yours truly on nursery duty at church. With one, single (meaning only one, not unmarried), very well-behaved infant. And my lovely sister-in-law who had taken my place until I decided to show up. We got to talking and talking until service was actually over. Ok. One baby probably doesn't need two adults to watch over him, but we had a great time chatting uninterrupted. I promise I'll go to class next week.
Amelia woke up sick on Friday morning. The sickies kind of sick. Fortunately for this mom it was during the bleary-eyed part of the morning, so it was easier to take care of her. She is a trooper. She just refuses to eat until that nasty stomach feeling goes away. Then she perks back up to her normal crazy self. She was better by Sunday church. Unfortunately, I was not.
"Yeah, my mom is sick. I'm not sick. That's why I came to church. Well, Amelia is sick, but we brought her to church anyway." Cory came home from morning service to inform me that Calla had this conversation with several people at church. Thank you my little rumor mill churner. "Mommy and Daddy would not have sent Amelia to church if she were still sick." All I received in response was a blank stare. Or did that face mean "Yeah sure, Mom."?
Cory spent Saturday staining our brand new, expertly designed closet shelves. They are the fanciest closet shelves ever. Beautiful. If only the stain didn't force us to open the windows in 10 degree weather. Or attempt to put us in a coma while we slept. As we are getting ready for sleep and commenting on the overly powerful smell, I am told, "The can did say to use it in a well-ventilated area." Staining a large area in the winter. Not recommended.
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