Wednesday night found yours truly on nursery duty at church. With one, single (meaning only one, not unmarried), very well-behaved infant. And my lovely sister-in-law who had taken my place until I decided to show up. We got to talking and talking until service was actually over. Ok. One baby probably doesn't need two adults to watch over him, but we had a great time chatting uninterrupted. I promise I'll go to class next week.
Amelia woke up sick on Friday morning. The sickies kind of sick. Fortunately for this mom it was during the bleary-eyed part of the morning, so it was easier to take care of her. She is a trooper. She just refuses to eat until that nasty stomach feeling goes away. Then she perks back up to her normal crazy self. She was better by Sunday church. Unfortunately, I was not.
"Yeah, my mom is sick. I'm not sick. That's why I came to church. Well, Amelia is sick, but we brought her to church anyway." Cory came home from morning service to inform me that Calla had this conversation with several people at church. Thank you my little rumor mill churner. "Mommy and Daddy would not have sent Amelia to church if she were still sick." All I received in response was a blank stare. Or did that face mean "Yeah sure, Mom."?
Cory spent Saturday staining our brand new, expertly designed closet shelves. They are the fanciest closet shelves ever. Beautiful. If only the stain didn't force us to open the windows in 10 degree weather. Or attempt to put us in a coma while we slept. As we are getting ready for sleep and commenting on the overly powerful smell, I am told, "The can did say to use it in a well-ventilated area." Staining a large area in the winter. Not recommended.
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