On March 6th, we had our first ultrasound appointment to check to see if our newest baby was thriving. It was an emotional viewing. The little heart was beating away. It gave us complete confidence that this pregnancy would be uneventful. We are truly thankful. My due date is October 24th. I will be fortunate to go in October at all, if history repeats itself.
About two weeks ago, the baby sickies hit me hard. Just in time for company and a huge production of a birthday party. I am so thankful for a mom that is willing to come in and take over any project. I am still in the middle of the nausea, but am trying to remain grateful for it's cause.
My mom came to town two weeks ago. My sister and her husband and my other sister and her daughter joined us the Thursday before the party. Everyone was so willing to help out. But I was encouraged to do something on a smaller scale next year. We'll see.
The birthday party was chaos at best. 10 little girls in tutus and fairy wings. Trying to eat supper on the floor. Trying to color pictures to gain their fairy dust. Trying to ring the flowers to earn their crown. Trying to all be in the front row to see the mass chaos of opening gifts. Then all the adults came. 34 people in our living room. Yowza! But the girls loved it. Well, save Amelia. She characterized the phrase, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..."
Cory was sick with the same flu that hit everyone in our house. He got sick before mom came and was sick through most everyone leaving town. Not much of a host. But we kept it low key. I do think I could drive the route to the airport and back in my sleep. But that would be dangerous...
Mom left today. I will truly miss her here. She has an uncanny way of being around just when I need her. She was so helpful for the two weeks she stayed. My washer and dryer and dishwasher haven't ever seen that much use. She was dubbed the "laundry nazi." No clothing left laying out was left unclean. It is so appreciated, all joking aside. My mom is also one of the people who feeds me encouragement. She is honest. But she always leaves me edified. She loves me despite my faults. It is a blessing.
I have a few more things, but they deserve their own posts. We'll see how long it takes to get them posted...
1 comment:
I am so glad you updated your blog! I love the party pics...what a production! You make me feel like a putz when it comes to parties for our kids...I like small (2) groups! Congratulations on your new little one...I am praying for God's protection! Take time to rest!!!!
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