Monday, February 7, 2011

day six...

Our contribution to the family Super Bowl gathering...

I am not a football fan. Actually, I am not a sports fan in general. My brother inherited ALL of the sports fan genes from Dad. I love the atmosphere at an actual sporting event. I'll cheer for whomever you want me to. Well, I probably won't cheer, but I'll clap and get involved in all the local chants and cheers...

But when you marry a cheesehead, and you move to dairyland, and you have little cheesehead offspring, you are required to have some sort of anticipation about the Green Bay Packers playing in the Superbowl. So I made green and gold cupcakes with the girls. Voila!

Calla scrounged up some green and gold shirts and layered them. Nora wore the only Packer paraphernalia we own. (because there are loyal fans and then there are loyal fans willing to pay $60 for a jersey...we are the former.)

Gather the entire family at the in-laws. Pause for an hour-long church service, thankfully over halftime. *"I think you are the only church in the nation that isn't having an afternoon service..."* Reconvene. Eat cupcakes. Pop some popcorn. Cheer the Pack on to victory. Day six...

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