On this day six, I am thankful for my church.
I love my Sunday School kids. I am blessed through each child and am thankful for those precious 45 minutes God allows me to minister to them each week. It really is a lot of time when you add it up. 45 minutes. 52 weeks. Three years. I am thankful for my class.
I am thankful that my girls can be lead by spiritual leaders in different ministries on Sundays and Wednesdays. God has placed some incredible workers in the lives of my children.
I am thankful for my pastor. He's exactly what our church needed nearly three years ago. He has provided growth and passion to our church family. His messages are always challenging and I can see the Lord working through him.
I am thankful for my pastor's wife. Her heart of compassion is a reminder of what I lack in my own life. She never turns away a listening ear. She is genuinely concerned with every person that walks through our church doors, even after they've gone home. I love her and the friendship we have only begun to cultivate.
I am thankful for my church family. Unity. That's what a theme was in a message today. I feel our little church embodies that word. Different opinions. Different walks of life. Different circumstances. Yet we all come together in unity. My church family is a constant source of encouragement and love.
Blessed. I am truly blessed . And I am thankful...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
though i've said it before...

This is day 5 and I feel oh-so-grateful. So, blog-reader beware. I may get mushy gushy...
I am thankful for family. I love Saturdays with my family. Now that soccer is over, Saturdays are wide open.
Today found us on a bike ride to Grandma's. Me and the hubby and our gaggle of girls biking through the trails on this gorgeous, crisp fall afternoon.
We then spent the next part of the day helping Mom clear up her lawn for the upcoming winter. With Dad gone, the lawn maintenance is quite a chore. We have realized all over again what a hard worker he truly was. So we cleared vines off the trellises and chipped up sticks and leaves. Mass amounts of leaves were raked up and Nora jumped into her first leaf pile. Cousins and an uncle joined us. The kids have pretend forts in Grandma's pine trees. They disappear for long periods of time and have a blast.
Then as we are about to leave in different directions, it happens. That sly grin on her face. "Mom, can so-and-so come over...?" (She doesn't actually say so-and-so, but the name is different each time.) The time spent together with cousins is never long enough. One ends up at our house or we swap kids for an afternoon or a sleepover or they head to another house together. But I love it. I love this family and those cousins!
I am so thankful for family. I am thankful God moved us here so that our kids (and me, too) can grow up near their cousins and uncles and grandparents and aunts. It's a blessing I've addressed before, but, like I warned, I'm feeling a little sentimental about it today...
Friday, November 4, 2011
faith CHRISTIAN academy...
On day four, I am thankful for our school.
I am thankful for a church with a heart for Christian education. Through the many lean years, the Lord has blessed our little school. This is the same school my hubby and his brothers went through all those years ago. Now our own children have the blessing of attending a true Christian school. The teachers are all amazing Christian examples to our daughters. I can be confident that the school is an extension of the principles and truths we are teaching at home.
I am thankful for the friends and families we are able to fellowship with through the school.
I am thankful for the quality of education our girls receive each day as I drop them off say, "I love you. Have a good day," and wave as they enter a new school day. I pray for them and their teachers.
I know this blessing is not to be taken lightly. I am grateful for FCA...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
that guy...
On day three I am thankful for that guy.
He is quite the catch. He understands my humor and I get his. He is the detail- oriented yin to my whole-picture yang. He is an example of simple Godly consistency. He likes my cooking and my baking even more. God picked him out for me and I am forever grateful...
soccer mom...
On day two I am thankful for healthy, active girls. This marks season 5 of soccer for our family. This year we had to become even more committed to the sport. Practice during the week and two games on Saturdays. Calla is old enough for the travelling teams now. Truck ourselves across the towns to a fairly frigid soccer field to sit and cheer on our favorite goalie or forward. Then quickly pack it all up to grab a bite of something to eat and head out to do it all again for daughter number two.
So I am thankful.
Thankful that my girls are strong and healthy enough to play soccer week in and week out. Thankful that our schedules are flexible enough that Mom and Dad could attend each weekend game - together. Thankful for the opportunity to socialize with our community and allow the girls to form friendships outside of the church. And thankful that we have a break for several months as the snow threatens to fall. My rear end gets quite cold in those camp chairs...
30 days of thankful me...
November 1st is one my favorite days of the year! Halloween is finally over (I'm not a fan...). All the fun costumes and candy are on sale. And I begin to look toward Thanksgiving.
I love Thanksgiving.
So day one of thankfulness goes to a new season. Not the ghoulish Halloween-type fall, but the crisp-leaved, apple harvest sort of fall...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
His grace is sufficient...
I have always been one that mixes Scripture with songs when I am seeking comfort. A verse will almost always lead me to a song. One that has brought me comfort in the past. Lately, my song is from the distant past. Psalty the Songbook days. I only had one video, but I loved it! I was so proud of it that I asked my 3rd grade teacher in the public school if we could show it during rest time. She allowed it and I beamed with pride through every scene. Funny, though, no one else seemed to enjoy it. But the song...
I will cast all my cares upon You.
I lay all of my burdens,
Down at your feet.
And any time
I don't know
Just what to do.
I will cast all my cares upon You.
Here, 25 years later, God has reminded me to leave my burdens at His feet. It is so simple and yet it is a lesson that continues to press on my heart. I am re-learning it today and can go to bed with my burdens at His feet...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
well, that's true...
As I chatted with the neighbor about a fainting episode he had experienced yesterday, I encouraged him to call me any time if he ever needed me to come over to help him out. I closed the conversation and hopped into the driver's seat. Amelia, in her oh-so-genuine voice calls out from the backseat, "Mom, if Mr. Ron needs someone to be loud and crazy, he can call me any time, too."
The first day of school met me with mixed emotions.
I was so ready for school to start at least a month ago. Summer schedules are a blessing and yet a curse. Lazy mornings that gently flow into casual lunches and lots of playtime. But it's a fickle playmate, that summertime. One of those things you enjoy so often that you become almost, dare I say, bored with it.
"Only boring people get bored."
For this reason, I began to look forward to the schedule and challenges a school day brings.
But my Amelia was going to school this year. That, in itself, brought several emotions with it.
Excitement. A whole new world to experience.
Anxiety. Would she adjust well to a new environment of stresses?
Pure glee. I would be home for three full days a week with just my angel of a baby.
So, dad and I dropped them off for their first day. Treats in hand. Pictures taken. And then I said my goodbyes and good lucks. When I began to speak the words, "I'll be praying for you today," into Amelia's ear, I was a goner. I would be praying. And, more than I realized, I would be missing my girls...
Friday, June 10, 2011
the finale...
Our main reason for the trip was the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique. Uncle Jim and Aunt Carole wanted to give this experience to the girls. It was amazing. The girls spent an hour being transformed into their favorite Disney princess. Calla chose Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) because "I look the most like her, so I won't need a wig." Amelia wanted Ariel for two weeks leading up to the trip. I was very surprised to hear her choose Belle instead. She was a lovely Belle. They loved the dress up and the shoes. Wands and tiaras. And the pixie dust was everywhere!
Magic Kingdom really does live up to it's name. You feel magical in every part of it.
The teacups.
Dumbo's flying elephants.
Cinderella's Golden Carousel.
The girls' bucket list was completed first. Up next was EVERYTHING else.
It's a Small World. It's still as mesmerizing as I remember it being 20 years ago. Ooh. Ahh. Where are we now? London. Spain. Paris. This was one of Calla's favorites that she passed on to others when asked, "So, what was your favorite part of Disneyworld?"
Amelia lost her lanyard full of trading pins somewhere between Dumbo and It's a Small World. I went to the nearest lost and found store in complete distress. As I relayed my story to the worker, he must have seen my emotion over the situation. I prayed that somehow someone had found the lanyard and was honest and and turned it in. Please. It's a lot of money wasted. I don't want to put a damper on the day. He came back into sight with a look of defeat. I immediately started to feel the tears well up. He told me they did not have it, BUT - Disney would like to offer me a new lanyard and 8, EIGHT, pins as a replacement. My gratitude was obvious. I thanked him none-the-less and he replied, "Have a magical day!" Thanks, I think I will...
Stitch Adventure - Not a favorite amongst the smaller set. Well, amongst the 8-year-old set. It was worse than the airplane ride. Imagine with me, a circular room with seats and large harnesses that fit tightly over your shoulders. The creepy voice of Stitch teasing that you can't capture him. The lights go out for a debilitating 120 seconds as sounds and other surprises come from speakers and holes within the harness. Stitch is right behind you giggling that evil chuckle. He's running back and forth. He spits at you. He scratches at your neck. Calla was begging the people to let her out. Her screams were awful. She was mortified. I couldn't do a thing. We were all trapped. That was not the greatest memory.
Monsters, Inc. Laugh Factory - the perfect way to calm Calla's fears. Nothing else would be scary. Promise.
Peter Pan ride - pure magic.
We went to find some princesses to autograph our books. We had to wait in line. For a very long time. Cinderella even "lost her slipper" and left for a good 25 minutes during our wait. Do we wait? Do we go watch the parade? Calla's response made our decision. "We have parades at home, but the princesses are only here." We stayed and met Ariel, Belle, and Cinderella. It was truly enchanting.
The only thing left was to see the fireworks. But more importantly, the girls were tipped off that Tinkerbell made a descent from the castle during the fireworks. That's all they wanted to see from that point on. Cranky, tired kids. Fussing about not being able to see. Maybe we should just leave before this gets ugly. And then...there she was. Tink took her flight down. It was worth the wait. We watched the end of the fireworks from the monorail as we went back to the hotel.
So that was Disneyworld for us. So much packed into 3 days. We loved it and are so grateful for the gift. Thank you Uncle Jim and Aunt Carole.
part duex...
...for those not bored, or on their second visit to the blog...
The girls swam in the amazing pool until their toes were pruned. If we'd have let them, they'd have stayed at the pool all weekend and completely forgone Disney all together.
Bright and early Saturday morning, we took the bus to Magic Kingdom to meet Ms. Mary. She was the amazing lady that gave us blessings and Disney insights galore. After a trip on the ferry and our first view of Cinderella's castle, we had a change of plans. Back onto the ferry, girls, we're off to Hollywood Studios.
Beauty and the Beast - awesome. This is what it's all about. I smiled like a child through the whole thing. I took tons of flip video, even though I knew we already have it on video. It was just too cool.
The Little Mermaid in 4D. Awesome times 2. Ariel is my favorite. I have every line memorized. I had to hold back from singing during the production. "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete..." Bubbles from the ceiling. Dancing day-glow swimming fish puppeteers under the blacklights. Really a highlight, at least for me!
Honey, I shrunk the Kids playground - nail biter for this mom. Aunt Carole solidified that my fears were justified. Large plastic maze structures that have small kid-sized openings and exits. No way of knowing if that is your child or someone else's that is screaming in complete terror in the dead center of said maze. A large exhale of relief when your child's head emerges from the hole. Hot, red, and sweaty, but with a huge smile.
We spent more time at the hotel pool as a break from the heat. Dinner and then back to the park for the laser light show. It was INCREDIBLE. So worth the walk and the wait. A perfect way to end our first night in Disneyworld.
Sunday morning. Mother's Day. The moms were treated to an IHOP breakfast. Then off to the park. Magic Kingdom gave us each a red carnation. I overheard one mom's reply to Happy Mother's Day, "I wouldn't want to be any where else today." Agreed.
ahh, disney...
...only a month removed...
Our trip was sensational. Memories galore. So many, in fact, that it is a shame I have taken this long to jot them down. Memories seem to fade rather quickly. Even the ones you are certain will remain ingrained for-ev-er.
So here is our trip in a concise, enthusiastic paragraph worthy of a loyal blog reader's five minute visit...
Instead of sleeping the night before the big trip, I decided to lie awake and think of all the things I could possibly forget. I was able to sleep a few hours before we were up and off to our 6:30a.m. flight. We arrived at an impressive 6:00a.m. We were the naughty trio scampering through the end of security because our flight was paging us over the intercom...We all giggle our way to our seats. At the back of the plane. Past some not-so-very-enthused passengers who were waiting for this party of three.
As we sat down, Calla-girl's nerves set in. She was cold and shaking. Her eyes showed her terror of the unknown. She was a wreck. She hated, and I quote, "the pressure I feel on my stomach." This anxiety would follow us to all four flights. That was one of the only downsides, I mean, really. We're going to Disneyworld.
One last flight story. Amelia decided to spill her juice, completely full, down the back of the tray table. I give kuddos to her for completely avoiding any mess on herself. I do not give kuddos to to the flight attendant who gave us ONE napkin to try to start cleaning things up. I am pretty sure the flight attendant is related to my local Subway cashier. She only gives me two napkins, even when I have all three kids with me.
Uncle Jim is waiting with open arms as we depart the terminal. His hugs are a little piece of my dad here on earth. LOVE them!
We find our way to our rental car - that was parked and beeping at us on a different level than the one we were wheeling our suitcases around on.
Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Barb met us in Downtown Disney for some supper and ice cream. Ahh, the magic is already flowing.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
a mystery if sorts...
*names have been changed to protect the embarrassed*
As Alice* returned to her hotel room Saturday evening, she prepared for bed. After settling her daughters into their beds, she washed her face and took out her contacts. It had been a fabulous day at Hollywood Studios, Disney. She was tired and tomorrow was an early morning Mother's Day breakfast. As she reached for her glasses case, she found it empty. They must still be on the nightstand from last night.
Thus began the search for the missing frames. She rambled through her routine from the last night.
"I would have either put them on the nightstand or the sink and they are no where to be found. Maybe the they fell into the towels pile and were taken out with the laundry. Maybe they fell into the garbage and are long gone. Maybe the housekeeper thought they were cool and were a perfect match to her own prescription and now she is sporting my glasses through downtown Orlando..."
Alicia, I mean Alice, enlisted the help of her superhero aunt and uncle. Beds were ripped apart. A flashlight shone light into the dark recesses of the room. (fyi - don't shine a flashlight into the dark recesses of a hotel room unless absolutely necessary...) Every inch of the room was checked and rechecked.
Now it was time to check with the front desk. Maybe the laundry room had found the spectacles and turned them in to lost and found. Nope.
Alice was now resigned to think she would just have to replace her glasses when she returned home from her trip. Chalk them up to a loss, whatever the scenario.
Fast forward to the day Alice is unpacking her bags in her bedroom. She gathers up all of the tickets and brochures and other various memories into a pile and places them on her dresser. Right next to her glasses that never made it into her luggage to begin with...
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
We're going to Disneyworld!
My gracious aunt and uncle are taking Calla and Amelia to Disneyworld this weekend. I get to go along for the ride!
We are flying out very early Friday morning. This will be Amelia's first airplane ride and Calla's first that she remembers.
We are staying at an amazing hotel.
We'll take our tour through Magic Kingdom for two days.
There are surprises packed throughout the trip. The girls will be overwhelmed with excitement. I will overwhelmed with excitement. We will try to fill up our memories with as much Disney goodness that we can hold.
The blessings have already begun to overflow. I am thankful. I am excited. I am blessed...
simply confusing...
My little girl has been thinking this afternoon. As we began our trek to pick up the big sister from school, the question was formed.
"Mom, how could Jesus die if He was God?"
My age appropriate answer went something like this...
"You know how when we put water in the freezer it turns into ice? It's still water but now it's frozen water, ice."
Her answer was a simple, "No."
"I know, babe, it is confusing. God will help us understand it someday."
As she sat and pondered for a few seconds, her eyes showed the confusion. I was waiting for her next response. It came, but it wasn't what I was expecting...
"Yea, what's confusing is how ice can become crushed ice..."
The thought process of a five-year-old...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
a sewing frenzy...
I have had the bug to sew lately. I think it's because "sewing weekend" is coming up. I always start feeling the urge to sew when I know I'll be visiting Nancy's Notions. The mecca of fabric and all things sewing.
So. On my list of projects...
1. a pillowcase for Calla-girl's (eventually) new room.
2. summer dresses for an upcoming trip.
3. a shoulder bag for same said trip.
4. a thank you gift for the providers of said trip.
Part of Calla's birthday present from me was a box of fabric pieces with the agreement that she and I would sew together. She is forever asking me to sew with her.
I know that the right response would be,
"Absolutely, lovely daughter-of-mine. Let's sit together and sew and bond as mother and daughter over a wonderful hobby to learn."
But, alas, I am not June Cleaver. Or Martha Stewart for that matter.
My response is usually an internal,
"If I have to sit to teach you how to sew, it may drive me bonkers. I am a perfectionist when it comes to crafts. You, my darling 8-year-old, are naturally not going to do it perfectly. This will cause great frustration in your sewing instructor, providing several teachable moments and a great dose of patience."
This internal response is usually verbalized with a simple, "Probably not right now."
But when I give the gift of a sewing lesson, I can't use excuses too long. We finished our pillowcase project in just two lessons. It's not perfect, but she loves it!
I have the thank you gift cut out and ready to sew.
I have the fabric for the dresses in the wash.
I have several bag patterns coming to me tonight to sort through.
I love to sew. The possibilities are endless...
Monday, April 4, 2011
all in 8 minutes...
Sometimes the van rides to and from school spark the most entertaining and memorable conversations. When four people are sequestered to a small space, daily, for any length of time, chatter ensues.
This morning was no exception. Family was the topic of choice.
"Since we have a Mother/Daughter Banquet, I wish we could have a Father/Daughter Banquet." Calla begins. "But, you couldn't go if they had a Mother/Son Banquet, right, Mom? Maybe you could have a Sister/Brother Banquet and ask Uncle Bo to go."
"Mom, do you have a brother?" Amelia asks.
"Yes. Uncle Bo is my brother."
"Are you older or younger than Uncle Bo?"
"I am the oldest."
"No, Amma is the oldest!" Amelia reminds me.
Yes, Amelia, the mom is always older than her children...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Avast me harties!
We are working on an 8 year old birthday celebration.
Patch the Pirate is the chosen theme and we are having so much fun planning for the festivities.
Invites go out this week. That means Amma is coming soon! I am not sure which part is the most exciting. The Sissy Seagull cookies. The make-your-own treasure maps. Or the Amma in the house. I'm gonna go with the Amma...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Do you ever think of the Scripture that reminds us of the windows of blessings?
"Bring ye all the tithes into the store house,
that there may be meat in mine house,
and prove me now herewith,
saith the LORD of hosts,
if I will not open you the windows of heaven,
and pour you out a blessing,
that there shall not be
room enough to receive it."
Malachi 3:10
It is one of my favorite things to talk to my 7 and 8 year olds in Sunday School. With full hand motions, we show the closed windows and then we OPEN them to let all of the blessings flow down onto our lives. God has blessings awaiting us. So many "there shall not be room enough..." He continues to love us, even in our sin. But when we are walking in His light, He showers us with more than we could ever imagine.
God is doing this for our family right now.
“But my God shall supply all your need
according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:19
And sometimes, even oftentimes, He gives us wants, too. That's just how much He loves us...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
spring cleaning...
I have spent the last two weeks feeling cooped up in a cluttered house. This time of the year can feel very defeating. So I have taken some initiative and begun to reorganize. Deep clean.
My list began with a spurt of ambition in the hall closet. It is so fabulous to purge half of the junk in there and be able to - wait for it - step into the closet.
Then I tackled the bathroom, including reorganizing under the sink and dusting above the medicine chest.
Today was the girls' bedrooms. I even went so far as to dig into the recesses of the toy chest and make sure all toys had their pieces.
My next notion is to paint. (fully inspired by Honour and her fabulously renovated rooms!)
All this is done while we wait for the snow to melt and for the temperatures to rise to a high enough degree to take a walk longer than a block before our fingers freeze...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
So, I have decided that my contentment is a choice.
Do I desire to feel blessed or wallow in self-pity?
There will always be things I don't have.
I choose to stare at the beauties and blessings
I have been given.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
day twenty...

Today, my dad would have turned 54. I still celebrate his birthday in my heart every year.
My dad loved to laugh.
He was always trying to crack a joke to lighten the mood or make someone smile. He was the life of the party.
My dad loved to cook.
He would try new things in the kitchen. He loved to make big breakfasts. I still miss his homemade salsa.
My dad loved to try new things.
He was never satisfied with a single hobby. His interests were varied and he wasn't afraid to test a new adventure.
My dad loved his family.
He loved his granddaughter. And would have loved each one that he has been blessed with since. He was surrounded by family that he loved and that loved him.
And I love my dad. I miss him every day...
day nineteen...
Love is a momma painting her daughter's nails. Not because I want to, but because she wants me to.
There are always requests from the children
and stipulations from the mother.
I want 5 colors - one color for each nail. ~ No, all your nails have to be one color.
Can I do just these two? ~ Nope, just one.
Ok, I pick green. ~ Umm, how about picking a red or pink.
I think this one. ~ Good choice.
Well, can you at least do polka dots? ~ No, I'm not doing designs today.
Just one heart on my nail. ~ Sure. We'll do a heart on each hand.
*Two hours of playing and one bath time later - four nails are already half painted, but the green heart remains in tact*
day eighteen...
Friday, February 18, 2011
a reminder...
I listened to the radio during my morning commute, and tears ran down my face. A song that brought me comfort during a trying time was blaring through the speakers.
I was reminded...
God is faithful.
Then the announcer came on to give an analogy. "...One blood donor can save up to three lives with a single pint of blood...but a single drop of the blood of Christ can save a world..."
I was reminded...
God is love.
day seventeen...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
day fifteen...
*oops! I skipped a day*
So, day fifteen is about something I love. It does not express any love toward me or anyone else. But I love it all the same. Twisted Peppermint from Bath&Body is addictive. I love the lotions. And the antibacterial. And the shower gel. (yes, I bought them all!) But most of all, I love the candle. It is amazing! So amazing that I am almost saddened now that I have to throw my last jar away. There's always next year to stock up...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
day sixteen...
Spring is coming! I love spring. We had a teaser of a day in the middle of February. One of those days when you want to purge all of the winter clothes out of the kids' drawers. So we went for a walk to the grocery store. Amelia and Nora splashed in the puddles. Spring is coming. It will just take a month or so of cold weather before it truly gets here...
day fourteen...
A special breakfast...
But what seems to be an easy picture of love for today was the act I hadn't even planned on. As I drove Calla-girl to school this morning, my van died in the parking lot. My ever-faithful father-in-law came to my rescue. This was the first time he had driven since his chemo treatments started. All to bail me out. The love shown to me by this man was overwhelming. My in-laws are the most selfless people. They are always willing to give of their time and their efforts.
True love...
day thirteen...
*what? no picture? that's right, I have officially failed...*
We had a Chinese feast prepared by the men in the church. I am not a fan of Chinese food. I have eaten Chinese food twice in my life. We, as a family, were fearful of the fare we would be given. It was...well, not so bad. I had the plainest of the plain. Fried rice and chicken without the sauce. Here's to sucking it up and just eating something out of my comfort zone. Culver's was a very tempting option.
The love for today was in the after church visit to my brother-in-law's house. Our family is among our closest friends. We can sit comfortably and chat and relax while our kids run rampant through the halls. Now, that's love...
Monday, February 14, 2011
day twelve...
For a contest at my hubby's work, we had to write 10 positive things about our teammates. I received this list on Friday. I am assuming numbers 2 and 3 are not about me. Probably not number 9 either. This list will be a treasure to me. I may have him write it down in his own hand, so I can keep it...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
day eleven...
Friday, February 11, 2011
day ten...
I LOVE my Amelia Dawn.
My crazy girl is five years old.
We watched old video of her when she was itty bitty. It hardly seems possible that so much time has passed.
Mind you, there have been bumps in the path of life with our Amelia Bedelia. God knew what a truth would come from naming her Amelia.
She is always keeping me on my toes, and forever rewarding me with her incredible personality.
She's an original.
Like no other.
She's my Amelia...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
sneaky sheik...
*confession: I had to google "sheik" to make sure of the spelling*
Amelia has been playing hide-and-seek. A fun game. But she's playing it with fairly important items and she's playing herself against the adults.
Scenario #1...The phone.
Cory needs to make a phone call. He picks up the phone and it tells him the line is in use. How is this possible when the kids and the wife are already heading outside to the van? All the usual places are checked -the couch, the counter top, the floor- to no avail. Super-sleuths that we are, we decide one of the kids must have used it last and forgot to turn it off. Amelia fesses up. She was playing. It's in her room - ON - for over 2 hours and 12 minutes.
Scenario #2...The sock.
We need to pack up to leave Grandpa and Grandma's house. As I go to put Nora's socks and shoes on, it is discovered that we are only in the possession of one sock. A mad high and low search commences. Grandma's house is immaculate, well, save the mess my girls have created during their visit. It shouldn't be too hard to find the missing orange sock. That is, unless someone has hidden it. So Nora went home with a bare foot in her shoe and Amelia sat on her secret for 24 hours. We did not find out until the next day that Amelia had taken the sock and hidden it - twice. She moved it from it's first hiding place halfway through our scavenger hunt, because she feared it would be discovered.
Hide and seek is a fun game...when everyone knows they are playing it...
day niner...
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
day seven...
Amelia came to tell me a story she had written. Something about a school of fish being chased by a shark with 12 teeth. She kept glancing at the back of her pictures. I realized she was mimicking her Sunday School teacher telling the Bible story off of ABeka flash-a-cards. My suspicions were solidified when i turned the papers over and saw her "writing" on the back.
She loves her Sunday School class and her teacher, Aunt Amie. She can often reiterate the story they learned that day, which is a small feat for a 4 year old. Apparently, flash-a-cards is the ultimate way to tell a story, even when it comes to fish and sharks...
Monday, February 7, 2011
day six...
Our contribution to the family Super Bowl gathering...
I am not a football fan. Actually, I am not a sports fan in general. My brother inherited ALL of the sports fan genes from Dad. I love the atmosphere at an actual sporting event. I'll cheer for whomever you want me to. Well, I probably won't cheer, but I'll clap and get involved in all the local chants and cheers...
But when you marry a cheesehead, and you move to dairyland, and you have little cheesehead offspring, you are required to have some sort of anticipation about the Green Bay Packers playing in the Superbowl. So I made green and gold cupcakes with the girls. Voila!
Calla scrounged up some green and gold shirts and layered them. Nora wore the only Packer paraphernalia we own. (because there are loyal fans and then there are loyal fans willing to pay $60 for a jersey...we are the former.)
Gather the entire family at the in-laws. Pause for an hour-long church service, thankfully over halftime. *"I think you are the only church in the nation that isn't having an afternoon service..."* Reconvene. Eat cupcakes. Pop some popcorn. Cheer the Pack on to victory. Day six...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
day five...
day four on day five...
Our teen group was over last night for an activity.
We call them "Finally Friday."
They have been quite sporadic, but we always enjoy ourselves.
Pizza and video games.
As for the love in this photo...
I love our teens.
I love having our teens over to our house.
I love that my girls love being with the teens.
I love that we have teens that enjoy being around my kids.
I love having a "Finally Friday" to end a week. It puts the weekend off to such a great start...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
day three...
It reminds me of sleeping in the same bed as my sister. We shared a room and a queen bed until the day I left to get married. I loved sharing a room with my sister. We were two very different people, just like my girls are. But at the end of the day, we wanted to be together. We would giggle and chatter and sing into the night. And now, unbeknown to them, I get to watch my girls reenact my own memories...
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
always fulfilled...
Ever notice that the times when you think, just for a moment, I would really rather not go to church, are the times when you need to go to church the most. That was me tonight. After a very, oh, let's called it a burden-filled day, I wanted to send my brood off to church so I could revel in the quiet-ness of my house for an hour. But as soon as I think about staying home, thankfully, the Holy Spirit prods me to do the opposite. That still small voice tells me to go and be blessed. And I did.
Psalm 55:22
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."
All those little things that I had allowed to rattle me today...
Constant sibling bickering.
Nora's newest version of a tantrum - throwing herself to the ground and letting out one loud wail.
Amelia's insistence on screaming her woes at the top of her lungs. "NORA, NOOOOOO. LET GO OF IT. NORA. NORA. NOOO"
Nora's fascination with all things tiny or messy or dangerous.
They are all my mini-burdens. Burdens I was trying to carry myself. And failing miserably at it, might I add. By the time my hubby came home from work, I was ready to run away screaming, or take Nora's lead and throw myself to the ground...
But God was just waiting. Waiting for me to ask for help. Waiting for me to see that there was more to my day than just those burdens. Waiting to show me His love and His blessings instead of my mini-burdens.
So, tonight I am thankful for my pastor. I am thankful for a heart that is still prompted by the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for a new day to cast at His feet...
day two...
This picture envelops so much thankfulness.
I love a warm house on a super snowy day.
I love a neighbor willing to snow blow our walks for us
so I don't have to take Nora out in the wind and cold.
I love a snow day from school when the call comes the night before! The thought of sleeping in is so wonderful.
I love staying in our pajamas until lunch. Crafts. Sewing projects.
Overall relaxing events throughout the day.
I love living in a town that didn't get the crazy blizzard snow that was forecasted. Our streets are plowed and we are ready to venture out for church later this evening.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
day one...
the love month...
A friend's blog has challenged me to find an image of love every day this month. So, for the month of February, I will post a picture every day. I will attempt to find a love of mine, or something that makes me feel loved, in every day. Just 28 days...28 pictures of love in my life...it should be easy, but will it?
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
well, that's motivation...
Today started fabulously. I woke up headache-free. Wow. I'd forgotten how amazing that can feel.
I drove Calla to school today for the first time in a week. It was awesome to get back to the daily grind that is our life.
I talked to my dear friend for 30 minutes. She lives 3 blocks away and we haven't talked for well over a week because of the sickness that has overtaken our lives. I remembered there is life outside these four walls. And I thoroughly enjoy that life.
I motivated myself to shower and get the kids together for a mall playland excursion. It was only a half an hour or so, but we got out of the house. Fun was had. Nora had a blast on the super duper slide. And then...
I would like to thank the lady at the mall playland for totally ruining my good day momentum.
Said lady, "So how old is your little girl?"
"She's 15 months tomorrow."
Her reply, "Wow, she's really big."
"I know, she's a beast."
And then, it happened. Some people can't leave well enough alone. Some people have to keep up a conversation and take it one step too far. In this case, one giant, heart-wrenching leap too far.
She questions, "So when is your next one due?" as she looks at my belly...
"Um, I'm not pregnant."
I falsely smirk. I gather up the girls and I head home.
So, I take what little pride I have left, and I do my workout. EASports, please work out this flab. May this be the last time I am mistaken for a pregnant woman unless I am truly blessed enough to carry another baby...
So, thank you, horribly mistaken lady at the mall playland. I will take this unfortunate encounter and use it as well-needed motivation. Next time, if there is a next time, I may be forced to simply scratch your eyes out...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
a bingo tumbler...
My mind has been a whirl of emotions and thoughts today.
Highs and lows.
A thought of sadness is aided by a joyful announcement.
A thought of self-pity is combated by an overwhelming sense of blessings.
Maybe it is this incessant headache that is on day 5.
Maybe it is the grey skies outside.
Maybe it is the fact that I have not left this dwelling more than two hours in the last week.
I am drained physically, which, in turn, drains me emotionally.
I need to turn this thing around...wait. Scratch that. Lord, could YOU please turn this thing around...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Dr. Mom...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
game? what game?
As my Packer fan hubby scurries off to his brother's house to watch the game, I bid him farewell. I will sit in solitude and quiet whilst the wee one naps. I will watch a BBC drama that suits my tastes for 3+ hours. I will slowly rearrange myself to make my headache a little more bearable. But watch the football game. Nah. I'll just ask how it went after everyone gets home...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
welcome to the infirmary...
Paging Dr. Mom. Paging Dr. Mom. Please respond to the patient being picked up from school on Wednesady.
The diagnosis.
Sore throat. Fever. Cough.
The prescription.
Plenty of rest. Tylenol. Lots of water.
Paging Dr. Mom. Paging Dr. Mom. Please respond to the patient in her highchair giving fits about eating her lunch.
The diagnosis.
103.9 temp...Yikes!
The prescription.
Tylenol. A lukewarm bath. Loose cotton jammies. A nap.
Paging Dr. Mom. Paging Dr. Mom.
Has anyone seen the doctor? I think she is buried beneath the mountain of used kleenex. Yep, I hear her sneezing...
Monday, January 17, 2011
17 days into the new year...
I always have such lofty ideas of what a new year can bring. It seems wide open for possibilities. The hustle and bustle of the holiday months have finally passed and January seems awesomely... still. Open schedules. Time that is not already claimed for this or that. So I start concocting all of these grandiose plans of how we can begin this new chapter in our lives. And then I realize, 17 days later, that I just wanted to rest. Needed to rest. Why fill up our days right away. January is for lazy winter days filled with netflix movies and reorganizing neglected spaces and mountains of laundry from all of the layers we are wearing these days. So now as I awaken from my January hibernation, I have a few plans in the works. Amelia's Winter Wonderland birthday is right around the corner. Ladies Meeting plans must be laid for April. Another birthday party sneaks up on me the first week of April. And...And...there is a big surprise trip in the makings for spring. I am also contemplating taking over the Secret Pal program at the church. That means a reveal to plan for March. January nap time is over! Time to kick it into gear...
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