I had bundled up kiddos with warm fleece blankets wrapped around their legs trekking through the snow and ice -packed streets while our van chug, chug, chugged to try and warm up.
I have to admit that these bitter cold days have a tendency to make me very discontent.
Oh for a garage to warm up our car.
Oh, for a van that didn't creek and groan in the cold.
Oh, for a van that didn't have trouble switching gears once the weather turns under 45 degrees.
Oh, for tires that weren't so bald that I feel like I am ice skating rather than driving.
But I can only be discontent so long. I have a hard time feeling sorry for myself. How could I possibly be discontent when I have been given such a life! I am so blessed.
I have a van.
It gets warm in the 5 minute ride to school.
My kids all have numerous coats and hats and gloves to choose from.
If our clothes aren't warm enough, we have closets full of other choices.
We have a warm house to exit to our awaiting warming chariot - just a 15 step jaunt in this amazingly cold weather.
No walking to school for us.
No bus waiting to take my kids to school. I get to be home and be their driver.
We can afford to replace our bald tires.
And 10 minutes later, we can come home. 10 minutes.
So, I'll take a lesson. Satan would love to steal my joy today. But God would love to reveal to me a gigantic list of blessings...
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