Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Revival Choir...

I love to sing. I never was able to master playing an instrument. I did give piano a try. Twice even. But I can sing. I enjoy singing. I have been singing alto in the choir since the 7th grade. I know most hymns by heart. So when it was posted that our Revival Meetings would have a choir, I immediately signed up. The evangelist brought a music director with him. Doyle Robertson. What an amazing man with an amazing gift! We meet a half an hour before every service and learn a new song. This has been a test of my abilities. Stretching my boundaries. I cannot sightread. Not well anyway. I know music by "street smarts" alone. I could pick out notes and name them if given sufficient amounts of time and a #2 pencil. But this crash course has been challenging to say the least. Our choir, most nights has consisted of 10 people. 4 sopranos. 2 men. 4 altos. I have a voice that carries naturally, but I have depended on a stronger alto to cover my botched notes while I drop out for a note or two. That is not going to happen this week. When I drop out, you can hear it. When I sing a wrong note, you can hear that, too. But I have learned much from our director. He has been very informative. Very encouraging. Very precise. Down to on-the-dot promptness. I am also learning that the purpose of a choir is to begin a service of praise. I need to remember that people are not there to see if I hit the right notes (though it does help) but are there to hear from the Spirit of God.


Redhead Mama said...

I always pray before the service starts, as I am sitting in the choir loft, that the Lord would simply use me as an instrument to worship Him. Ever since I started doing that, I have had a different motivation as I praise God. That it isn't about me at all, and it is all about Him. :)

tacky said...

Nothing is sweeter than a Christian who has a song to sing...from her heart! Music can humble the messenger...but even in that...God can use the message! Trust me, sister...it has happened to me and I am sure it will happen again. "Make Me A Blessing" and "Not I, But Christ" are good thoughts! Kari