One of the wonderful things about my dad's family is our heritage. My grandmother was English. Her humor was dry as a bone. It is awesome to see this humor remain in so many of my family members. Dad was king of the one-liners. So, the wedding brought together some relatives from the other side of the pond. One of my greatest moments of the trip was standing in a circle with relatives. Everyone taking turns with their best jokes. I will try my best to remember some of them correctly. Please note, these are best and most hilarious, when spoken with a British accent.
Why did the elephant paint his toenails red?
So he could hide in the cherry tree
Why did the elephant paint himself blue?
So he could hide in the bowl of blueberries
There were two fish in a tank.
One said to the other, "You take the wheel. I want to try the gun."
What is yellow and extremely dangerous?
Shark-infested custard
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