Friday, March 14, 2008

Secret Pal...

Our church has a Secret Pal program. I have joined in every year since Cory and I moved here. I love the thought of giving gifts. It is such a thrill for me. Little things. Big things. I love seeing my Pal pick her gift up from the table.
Last night was our reveal. A few ladies are chosen to decorate a table according to a theme. Then we eat. Have a devotional. Reveal who our Pals were. Fill out new forms and start off on a new year.
I was able to help a sweet teenager decorate her table. We combined our efforts and the finished product was adorable. I will attempt to post pictures later.
I was asked to give a testimony about friends. I was able to think through all of the wonderful friendships I have been blessed with. The main thought I went with was the fact that "friend" is a term we reserve for a special group of people in our lives. The ones who are willing to share our burdens. More than willing to ask us to share our burdens with them. I have had a few of these. And I am truly grateful for them.
I was sure I wanted to sit out of Secret Pal this year. I ended up with a fairly negative attitude about the whole thing by the end and thought I would rather just not do it again. Once I realized my reasoning for not wanting to participate was petty and selfish, I decided to jump in again. I am glad I did. I do enjoy it. I hope to be an extra encouragement to my Pal this year.

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