We went to pick out a Christmas tree on Saturday. We like to buy from a local guy who grows trees out in his back acreage. This year we were able to choose one and have it cut down. That was a first for me. So much fun. It was very cold, but the joy of the season was worth every second. There are a few things I like in "our tree." The shape has to be very full at the bottom. I like short needles. They hold the ornaments better. Not too bare, but at least one bare spot. It has to be realistic. And it has to be about 7 feet tall. Well. Calla picked from a few choices and she decided on this tree. It looks so great in the living room. We decorated well into bedtime. I love Christmas - even with all it's trappings. There is nothing else that compares to the fresh smell of pine when you walk downstairs first thing in the morning.

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Oh fun Alicia! The picture of the 2 girls is adorable!
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