Monday, August 24, 2009
My first grader...
That's what we associate with the parades. We have found a local parade that supplies us with enough candy to last months. This year, all the cousins, plus an extra, came to the parade. The kids all lined the curb and waited. They were not disappointed. Amelia soon learned that if she wanted any candy, she would have to stand several feet away from the boys. They are quick little candy picker-uppers! Each bag was brimming with goodies by parade's end.
This last picture is Amelia animating her favorite part of the band - the drummers.
Friday, August 21, 2009
A new season...
Calla is heading off to the first grade on Monday. It is truly time for summer to end, but daunting to think of the upcoming school year. I didn't realize the emotion I had been supressing until this week. For the next 12 years, Calla will be a full-time student. Every day. It's the "every day" part I am struggling with. To drop her off to spend the majority of the year under the authority of someone else. Under the care of someone else. To have her come home to "tell me about her day." It's a whole new season of life, as my dad would call it. I do not regret the decision to have her in school. I certainly count it a priveledge to have the means and the facility to send her to. But it is hard to see the last season come to a close. Did I use the time I had, day in and day out, as a major influence in her days, did I use it wisely? Was I effective?
As this new season comes into bloom, I must realize the influence I still have. I am still her mom. I am still in her life every day. I cherish my daughter. I want her to know it, too. Maybe I'll snuggle with her a little longer tonight...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ladies Retreat 2009...
This is the group of 21 ladies, plus our hostess, that attended our first Ladies Retreat in Door County. (I am not in my picture due to a lack of understanding my camera's self-timer.) We had a fabulous time of fellowship and growth. Each session was devoted to a different aspect of knowing God. I was challenged abundantly.
Stacey and I, large and in charge! I did have the first person ask me, "Do you know if it's twins?"
This is the goat and grass roof of the restaurrant we ate at on Friday. I feel like a tourist - oh wait - I am a tourist!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Swim lessons...
This summer was full of swimming lessons for Calla. The way our pool is set up, they have to pass each two week session before moving to the next level.
Level 1 - Learn to not be afraid to dunk your head under water. Check - no problem.
Open your eyes under water to retrieve rings from the bottom of the 2 foot water. Check.
Jump off the side into 2 feet deep waters. Check.
She obviously passed this session with ease.
Level 2 - Learn to dunk under the water for 10-15 seconds. Check. (She loves being under water.)
Learn to do basic front or back floats for 5 seconds each. Check.
Learn basic underwater strokes. Check. (She could swim the length of the pool, coming up for breaths, by the end of the session.)
Using a pool noodle, dive off the diving board into 12 feet. Check. (She even threw her noodle in the second time around and jumped in after it.)
This session was a little more challenging. She was the smallest and youngest in her class. Several students were leaping into the pool and swimming around on the first day. But she did pass. So we went on to Level 3.

Level 3 - Learn basic strokes above water. Still working on it.
Learn to do several "dives" of the side of the pool. Still working on it.
Learn endurance while swimming dofferent strokes. Still working on it.
Dive into the 12 feet without a pool noodle and swim to the side without assistance. Check. (Even though this mom held her breath until Calla resurfaced the first time. Whew!)
So we will repeat some things next year. Our goal was to get her comfortable in the water. Next we'll work on the swimming. She is well on her way.
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