Yep it's been weeks since my last post. Again.
Here's my randomness at it's best.
Amelia has croup. She began losing her voice yesterday. She woke up this morning barking like a seal. She is barely audible through her raspy-ness. (Apparently raspy-ness is not a word.) I think croup is a burden she will have to bear every year. I just pray this one does not move into the bronchitis/pneumonia stage.
I am subbing at the school for a week. Only in the afternoons. One of the teachers takes a trip to Florida with her fam every year about this time. It gives her a break and it allows me a little income. Always appreciated! The work is easy enough. And I do enjoy being with the students. The way our school is designed this year, 4th - 12th grades are in the same room. All video classes through ABeka. So my work entails monitoring, grading, administering tests and quizzes, and Thursday gym class. I could do without the gym class part, but the kids were so looking forward to it already yesterday.
The countdown has begun. The girls' birthday invitations have been sent and passed around. Airline flights have been purchased. Extended stays are being planned. This mom is putting off making 7, yes 7, more tutus. I love children's birthday parties. I tend to go over the top. But it's once a year. A celebration of the wonderful gifts God has given to me. I believe that calls for the grandest of celebrations! Wings. Check. Fairy dust. Check. Three out of ten tutus. Kind of a check?? Calling all fairies of the forest - only 5 more weeks.
My wonderful hubby spent some of our tax return on two large items this year.
A water softener. Woohoo! Now my alligator skin might get some relief. And my poor Amelia might have a smaller grade of sandpaper skin. If nothing else, our dishwasher will not leave such atrocious soap residue on all of our dishes.
We also bought a chest freezer. We have been storing extra food in my in-law's upright freezer. I was starting to overrun the shelves. I buy ahead in several items when they go on sale. Butter. Cheese. Pizza. Juice. O.J. And I have been buying fresh beef from my sister-in-law. Needless to say, the freezer is already brimming with frozen delights. I am thankful for this added appliance in our house.
Tomorrow would be my dad's 52nd birthday. I miss him dearly. "Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27:1 We are not guaranteed a certain length of life. Only that we have this day and this moment. Dad's "early" death reminds me of this fact. What am doing with my time? Am I fulfilling the plan God has for this day? What happens if there is no tomorrow for me? Would I be content to lay my head on my pillow tonight, knowing I have been a "faithful servant?"
Random. Told you so. There will be more. Much more. Coming to another blog entry near you!