Monday, November 17, 2008

Another first...

Thursday was our Parent/Teacher meetings with Calla's teacher. It was a first on this side of the desk. Parent/Teachers were always nerve-wracking for me as a teacher. The anticipation of what confrontations just might happen. It was too much. However, I relived those same butterflies when preparing to sit down as a parent. What was she going to say? All good things...I pray. Does Calla talk too much and disrupt the class? Does she have a sassy attitude? I know she is doing well academically. But more important to us as parents is how she is responding to a new authority in her life while we're not around.
No worrying necessary. She is doing well. Our meeting lasted all of 10 minutes. She is completely acclimated to the classroom and the work. She is obedient. (I insert a silent "woohoo" here!) She is just starting now to get too comfortable and chatting a little more in between lessons.
And then there's the chasing boys at recess thing. But that one is still boggling me...


I wonder how it is that I keep my sanity.
So that I don't allow some of you to believe that maybe Amelia's antics are letting up in recent days, I will relay to you some of the things that happened in the last few days.
Saturday was a water adventure to say the least. Amelia found new delight in the water fountain and was soaked down one side of her body from the top of her head to her knee. Later, she had a bathroom mishap while I was in a meeting at church. I went home and got her change of clothes. No biggie. Accidents happen. About 7:30, I was in search of her because she had been unaccounted for during the last few minutes. She was found in the ladies restroom with her cousin. They had emptied the entire bottle of soap - onto each other and the floor. Then proceeded to attempt to rinse it off. Could I get that mop AGAIN please? When disciplining her, I realized she had also wet her pants. AGAIN. Too much fun being had or the running tap water?? That was my breaking point. Pack up our things. Get a ride home for Cory. Put a plastic bag on the carseat. Give a bath. Straight to bed. Chalk one more day done on the "Momma log."
During my "computer time" this morning, Amelia retrieved the toothpaste and had it squeezed into a large mound across her rug. Pink. Sparkly. Dora toothpaste. At least it smells yummy.
She also soaked her outfit today during an impromptu hand-washing session in the downstairs bathroom. The night culminated with yet another bathroom accident. Maybe I shouldn't say that the night is finished yet. She is still awake, leaving room for one more...

Precious memories...

Today my dad has been gone from this earth for 5 years. It seems like yesterday, and yet it feels like forever. I miss him every day. I miss having him during "grandparent moments." Birthday parties lack his jokes being murmured quietly in the corner. My pictures lack his glowing smile. My heart longs for his company. I miss him. But I am thankful that he is in my memories. I have him on videos. On portraits. Every time I have a special remembrance of him. A location. Or situation. Or line. Something that brings him back to full life. Sometimes I see him in me. Sometimes I see him in my kids. And I am thankful. I still have him in my heart.

Matchbox Derby 2008...

I officially completed my first fundraiser in charge!
What a relief it is to have that "first one" under my belt! It was a huge success. More profit than previous years. Fairly smooth in running. And everyone had a great time! There are always some modifications to be made, and those have been noted for next year. But I can actually say I am looking forward to the Matchbox Derby 2009! That's a great sign...right?
I am so grateful for a group of people around me that are so willing to volunteer. There is such an atmosphere of service in our church and school. What a blessing that is!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Something new...

If you are a fellow sufferer of severely flaky dry winter skin, I have found something unexpected that actually works for me. I was too excited not to share my little treasure. Calla and Cory questioned why I had my jar of baking soda in the bathroom. I read in a magazine...isn't that a great way to explain things? Take a little baking soda into your hand and rub it into your skin. Use a wet washcloth to gently exfoliate. Then rinse. It is wonderful! And it's been in my cupboard all this time. And at the risk of sounding like an infomercial, "Try it! It really works! I will spare you the, "It changed my life" line.

A child's productivity displayed...

Amelia and Calla both had their own individual projects going on this lazy Saturday morning. Amelia was constructing a "really, really big tower!" While Calla was re-stacking the toilet paper rolls after she opened the package and they scattered across the floor. Amelia saw Calla's handiwork and had an average 2-year-old thought. "All things that are stacked up are fair game for knocking over..." She went bowling into them and knocked every one down. Calla, my emotional little love, fell to pieces right along with her stacks of t.p. She was so heartbroken. She immediately reprimanded Amelia. "That was not kind. You need to not do that ever again." As she stacked the rolls back up, her little mischievous sister stood watching. With a twinkle in her eye that did not go unnoticed. Calla looked to her, through tear-stained eyes and said, "Don't knock them down again. And stop standing there looking at them like your gonna knock them down!"