Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Revival Choir...
I love to sing. I never was able to master playing an instrument. I did give piano a try. Twice even. But I can sing. I enjoy singing. I have been singing alto in the choir since the 7th grade. I know most hymns by heart. So when it was posted that our Revival Meetings would have a choir, I immediately signed up. The evangelist brought a music director with him. Doyle Robertson. What an amazing man with an amazing gift! We meet a half an hour before every service and learn a new song. This has been a test of my abilities. Stretching my boundaries. I cannot sightread. Not well anyway. I know music by "street smarts" alone. I could pick out notes and name them if given sufficient amounts of time and a #2 pencil. But this crash course has been challenging to say the least. Our choir, most nights has consisted of 10 people. 4 sopranos. 2 men. 4 altos. I have a voice that carries naturally, but I have depended on a stronger alto to cover my botched notes while I drop out for a note or two. That is not going to happen this week. When I drop out, you can hear it. When I sing a wrong note, you can hear that, too. But I have learned much from our director. He has been very informative. Very encouraging. Very precise. Down to on-the-dot promptness. I am also learning that the purpose of a choir is to begin a service of praise. I need to remember that people are not there to see if I hit the right notes (though it does help) but are there to hear from the Spirit of God.
Revival Meetings...
Our church began revival meetings on Sunday morning with Dr. Rick Flanders. We actually began preparation for them last Friday when a group of members came together to pray for revival in the hearts of those in our congregation and beyond. Saturday was a choir rehearsal for the "Revival Choir." Then we came to Sunday and hit the ground running.
Each message has been such a challenge to me personally. Sometimes I feel the need to be refueled. I am often out of services because of a ministry God has called me to serve in.
Our church is also in a "transitional" time. Transitional for us, but God has a plan for this flock. Our pastor resigned from the church in August and is already busy serving in his new congregation. Our newly comprised Pulpit Committee has been meeting biweekly and has called our first prospective pastor to come in November. We are united as a congregation. We are excited for what God has in store for Faith Baptist Church. But we are thirsty. Hungry. In need of revived growth.
In due time...God brought us Dr. Flanders.
The time had been established almost a year in advance. God's timing is perfect!
Two of the thoughts that have struck me square in the face:
Sunday a.m. - God never he said He would not give us more than we alone could bear. There are plenty of examples to be given of people burdened beyond what they could bear. He does promise, however, to give us the grace to bear it. We must turn to Him. He also promises we can do all things through Christ.
Tuesday p.m. - As a lesson from Job, we cannot be fully used of the Lord until we are able to say, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." We cannot always know why we go through a trial. It is not for us to even reason. We must know that God is in control. And we must be able to say whatever He has for us is what we desire, no matter what the circumstance. The Lord giveth and taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A novice photo shoot...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My mom came to town...
The Tooth Fairy...
From Calla
To the Tooth Fairy
(You can also see the "usual card" mistake at the top...Happy Bi -no,no-)
To the Tooth Fairy
(You can also see the "usual card" mistake at the top...Happy Bi -no,no-)
The inside reads:
I through(sp)my tooth away Tooth Fairy.
Make this card be the color of your wings.
Make this card be the color of your wings.
Cory tried to discourage her that the water would change but not the card, but she still wanted to try. This Tooth Fairy simply left her "print" on the paper the same color as her wings. A purple heart. Yep. The water turned purple. Calla bounded down the stairs this morning to see if the Tooth Fairy had made an appearance.
"Purple water, Mom! and she colored on my paper, too! She even left me four quarters. I can't wait to lose more teeth!"
Job well done, Purple Tooth Fairy!Monday, October 20, 2008
Belly-buttons and baby teeth...
Today was an eventful, uneventful day. Amelia was coloring pictures for various family members in the dining room this morning. Her new-found treasure is markers. She is only allowed to use them if an adult is near her. So throughout the morning she would call out, "Momma, you still down here?" Yep, I'm right here. Waiting to see if it is at all possible for this two-year-old to use markers and NOT make mischief. Several minutes passed without incident. She even brought her papers to me for inspection. On the last picture she also revealed the art on her arm. I cleaned her up and put the markers away. Several hours later, I spied some more marker on her tummy. She had colored in and around her belly button with green and red marker. Possibly getting into the Christmas spirit early?

Calla has had her first wiggly tooth for several weeks. She has been wiggling it with her tongue and had it completely tipped forward as of yesterday afternoon. Cory tried to pull it out, but it was still tucked away pretty tight. When I picked her up from school, she covered her mouth and said she had something to tell me. Her new nervous habit is covering her mouth. Being the ever trusting and confident mom, I thought she had gotten a "star" taken away in class. She relayed the story of losing her tooth at lunch. Yeah! Your first "Momma tooth is coming!" (as she has dubbed them.) I have been itching to put a fun Tooth Fairy practice into play in our house. One delicately lifted from the Tackeberry clan traditions! However, my daughter swallowed her tooth! She didn't even realize it was gone until she went to wiggle it with her tongue and felt a gap instead of a tooth. Upon further investigation, she realized she bit into something hard at lunch and spit it out into the garbage. "Don't worry, Momma. The tooth fairy still found Ella when she swallowed her tooth. She even got 5 doughnuts for it." It somehow isn't the same without the tooth...
Calla has had her first wiggly tooth for several weeks. She has been wiggling it with her tongue and had it completely tipped forward as of yesterday afternoon. Cory tried to pull it out, but it was still tucked away pretty tight. When I picked her up from school, she covered her mouth and said she had something to tell me. Her new nervous habit is covering her mouth. Being the ever trusting and confident mom, I thought she had gotten a "star" taken away in class. She relayed the story of losing her tooth at lunch. Yeah! Your first "Momma tooth is coming!" (as she has dubbed them.) I have been itching to put a fun Tooth Fairy practice into play in our house. One delicately lifted from the Tackeberry clan traditions! However, my daughter swallowed her tooth! She didn't even realize it was gone until she went to wiggle it with her tongue and felt a gap instead of a tooth. Upon further investigation, she realized she bit into something hard at lunch and spit it out into the garbage. "Don't worry, Momma. The tooth fairy still found Ella when she swallowed her tooth. She even got 5 doughnuts for it." It somehow isn't the same without the tooth...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Crazy days...
There are some moments in life that you instantly think, "This will be a funny moment someday."
A dear mommy friend reminds me that I need to respond, and not react to these daily situations. It is amazing how often I have to repeat that phrase to myself. Amelia seems to keep me in constant supply of "stories" to tell. She is mischief. Curious to a fault!
Her recent antics include markered art on a friend's shoe rack. Emptying a full sippy cup over the couch cushion. Lip gloss doubling as hair gel. That was this week alone. And today she decided to try momma's makeup. Mascara all over her face. Unfortunately, she did the entire thing while soaking in the tub. My makeup bag was completely submerged. Most of it is ruined. Eyeshadow doesn't take well to bathing. So, react or respond.
Take the bag out of the water and slowly remove it's waterlogged contents. Wash the two-year-old's raccoon eyes with a soapy washcloth and console her when it stings.(a small lecture on cause and effects was inserted here!) Get her out of the tub and resume with the rest of the day.
One day out of the few that I have with her. She's a little girl. She is learning from these experiences. It is up to me to make sure that she is learning the right lessons.What to touch and not to touch. But also, what reactions, umm - responses, we have to daily situations.
Now, how to hone that little girl's curiosity into a workable talent...
A dear mommy friend reminds me that I need to respond, and not react to these daily situations. It is amazing how often I have to repeat that phrase to myself. Amelia seems to keep me in constant supply of "stories" to tell. She is mischief. Curious to a fault!
Her recent antics include markered art on a friend's shoe rack. Emptying a full sippy cup over the couch cushion. Lip gloss doubling as hair gel. That was this week alone. And today she decided to try momma's makeup. Mascara all over her face. Unfortunately, she did the entire thing while soaking in the tub. My makeup bag was completely submerged. Most of it is ruined. Eyeshadow doesn't take well to bathing. So, react or respond.
Take the bag out of the water and slowly remove it's waterlogged contents. Wash the two-year-old's raccoon eyes with a soapy washcloth and console her when it stings.(a small lecture on cause and effects was inserted here!) Get her out of the tub and resume with the rest of the day.
One day out of the few that I have with her. She's a little girl. She is learning from these experiences. It is up to me to make sure that she is learning the right lessons.What to touch and not to touch. But also, what reactions, umm - responses, we have to daily situations.
Now, how to hone that little girl's curiosity into a workable talent...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Waiting for the other shoe to drop...
I had just been talking out my thoughts to a dear friend about this eerie feeling I had been having. Sometimes I am amazed at how the Lord will prepare our hearts for something even weeks in advance. The verse rings true...He will not give me above that which I can bear. I believe he prepares us first, and then walks us through the trials. How important it then is to be in close communion with the Lord before the trials come.
Our newest turn of events came this week Wednesday. Cory was called to a mandatory meeting and told his company is closing down. 60 days. It is relieving to know we are in the hands of the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. The One who cares for even the sparrows. The One who watches the lilies grow. God loves us. He only has our best in mind. Unfortunately, His thoughts are not our thoughts and we do not know what the future will bring for us. A new job, for sure. When, we are uncertain. Where is another thought. For now, we rest secure in knowing that His way is perfect. Please pray for us that we will be good stewards of our finances in the meantime. That we will be able to seek the Lord's direction in the following weeks. That we continue to trust in His plan.
Our newest turn of events came this week Wednesday. Cory was called to a mandatory meeting and told his company is closing down. 60 days. It is relieving to know we are in the hands of the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. The One who cares for even the sparrows. The One who watches the lilies grow. God loves us. He only has our best in mind. Unfortunately, His thoughts are not our thoughts and we do not know what the future will bring for us. A new job, for sure. When, we are uncertain. Where is another thought. For now, we rest secure in knowing that His way is perfect. Please pray for us that we will be good stewards of our finances in the meantime. That we will be able to seek the Lord's direction in the following weeks. That we continue to trust in His plan.
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